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  1. B

    Police Theives.!

    well, I had to call the cops to file a report for getting jumped and a stolen phone. but in the mean while they just walked in my house without me letting them in(opened my front door and started going through my cabinets for no reason), started going through my drawrs without permission then...
  2. B

    quick question

    can I use a 160 watt floro and a 250 watt hps at one time?
  3. B


    hey from the bottom up the leaves are dying, the veryy bottom turned yellow slowly then died and its starting to happen to the row above it, and on the 3rd and 4th row they are getting yellow spots and slowly turning yellow and dying. but the new foliage is fine and green other than the top...
  4. B

    Leaves Dying?

    The bottom 3 rows and biggest fan leaves are slowly turning yellow. What might cause this? I have a 260 watt HPS about 18-20" from the plant.
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    How far should I put a 160 Watt floro from my week old sprouts, and how far should I put a 250 watt HPS from plants, and the light flickers? is that fine?
  6. B

    250 Watt HPS

    I have acquired a 250 watt HPS light. Will this work for both Veg and Flower stage? I have a 160 watt flourescent that I have been using but want to get larger plants than it produces, can I use the HPS? What is better?
  7. B


    I have four 40 watt flourecents in one. so 160 watts? I'm fairly sure they are daylight bulbs but I have 1 two day old sprout and a probably 16 inch plant under it, do you think that is enough light? Also, How much would it cost for a 250watt HPS light, One of my buddies told me he would sell...
  8. B

    Growing Questions.

    I have 2 females, and one baby just sprouting under 160 watt floursecsnet light. Someone told me the floursecesnts wont make the buds grow bigger. is that true? Also How far away should I put my little sproutling from the light, Im putting it under for 18/6 for the hours.
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    Is there a special reason for cutting off the tips of the leaves? Also how do you 'top' the plants making it spread out? Do UVE Lights work? Also can you use several 75 Watt lights? burn one:bigjoint:
  10. B


    I have two young females. One about 16 inches and one about 12, I have fertalized them about once every two weeks. I do live in florida so I have been using natural lighting. but is there any reason for the stunted growth? any specific fertalizer I should be using I know I need certain N-P-K...