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  1. N

    Great way to get involved with getting Prop 19 passed if you're NOT Californian

    Just Say Now: Phonebank to End the War on Marijuana You sign up, and they give you a script and numbers of Cali voters one by one, you record their answers, and then click next and go on to the next one. They seem to be targeting almost entirely young people (makes sense) and this could REALLY...
  2. N

    Great way to get involved with getting Prop 19 passed if you're NOT Californian

    Just Say Now: Phonebank to End the War on Marijuana You sign up, and they give you a script and numbers of Cali voters one by one, you record their answers, and then click next and go on to the next one. They seem to be targeting almost entirely young people (makes sense) and this could REALLY...
  3. N

    CALIFORNIANS do NOT forget to vote on prop 19!

    Yes I know this is not the "appropriate" place to post this, but it's the most viewed so I don't care, and mods, if you consider yourself at all a fan of cannabis, I think you'll agree with me. --- Tuesday is one day you do NOT want to get high until AFTER you have cast your vote. Make sure...
  4. N

    Is smoking/growing actually illegal?

    By that I mean, is it unconstitutional? I know the deceleration of independence says that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of...
  5. N

    Male plant question

    Can they polinate and fuck up the females before they enter flowering stage?
  6. N

    Does wolf piss really work?

    To keep deer and other animals away? I'm planning on using neem oil for the insects cause I've heard great things about it.... but I need something for the animals too and have heard conflicting opinions about wolf urine. If it's not effective, what is? I really don't want to put up a...
  7. N

    Does wolf piss really work?

    To keep deer and other animals away? I'm planning on using neem oil for the insects cause I've heard great things about it.... but I need something for the animals too and have heard conflicting opinions about wolf urine. If it's not effective, what is? I really don't want to put up a...
  8. N

    Wolf Piss and Neem Oil

    I've heard almost only good things about neem oil, but conflicting opinions about wolf urine (to keep deer etc. away). I live in the SE USA. Are they effective? What else is effective? Oh ya and where can I buy wolf urine?
  9. N

    Neem Oil and Piss... are they effective?

    On a very low budget, but I want to protect my outdoor plants... is spraying them with neem oil and pissing a circle around them enough to keep insects and deer etc. away? If so... how often should I spray them and piss around them. I am located in the SE USA if that matters. Thanks guys...
  10. N

    Is this plant a dude?

    It's a white widow... like a month and a half old. I know it's not looking too good, it's just a test plant though so it doesn't matter. What DOES matter is if it pollinates my females, which are all doing fairly well. So is it a male? (sorry for the blurry shots I had real difficulty getting...
  11. N

    How long has cannabis/hash been smoked?

    In history I mean..... obviously the plant's been around for a while, but since how long has it been smoked? I'm guessing it started in the middle east, cause it all started in Afghanistan right?
  12. N

    Mason jars vs.... regular jars?

    So I read a guide on harvesting and it said to get mason jars to keep the bud in (basically said the longer you keep it in there the better it'll be, though if you keep it TOO long it will lose potency). Well my question is... does it really have to be a mason jar? Can it just be tupperware or a...
  13. N

    Is a simple magnifying glass good enough to look at trichomes?... see when a plant is ready to be harvested? I'm talking something I could buy at walmart. On a VERY limited budget.
  14. N

    Poem I wrote in high school

    Gaze The crimson Orb doth shine on its upward path Manifold dying shear Tongues chase an arclite-shaft A Blazon’d in the Northern sky for aught to see Aye, but tis Naught nor but silt next to thee Autumn’s Aurora ‘shrines its last wretchèd loom The singèd eyes of the Beholden do...
  15. N

    So what parts can you/should you actually smoke?

    I was reading a guide on harvesting for growing and it said that the lower leaves are the least good smoke (but still decent), the middle leaves are better, and the upper fuzzy leaves are good. And that obviously the BUD is the best. Is this true? Can I smoke the leaves?
  16. N

    Should I "harvest"/cure this?

    This was one of my failures. It hurt me bad because it was looking beautiful. It was either a 100% afghan or an afghan auto flower (I mixed the seeds up accidentally, but I'm guessing it was the latter because it grew so damn fast). Basically it grew so fast that it died overnight because I...
  17. N

    Plant not growing straight.....

    Alright so this plant as you can see is kinda growing sideways. When I touch the stem it seems to be very "loose", like I could just pull it out of the dirt easy. Anything I can do to fix this?:
  18. N

    Is this plant flowering? (pic)

    It shouldn't be, because it's on an 18/6 light cycle until I move it outside (soon). Though I admit I've messed up a couple times because I overslept or something and can't afford a timer. It's also only a month old. So is it in flowering stage already or still vegetative. I want it to get...
  19. N

    Plant leaves looking yellow and spotted

    So one of my beautiful Afghans is starting to look bad... some of the leaves are yellowing... and the lowest two are spotted with tiny brown spots (sorry my camera couldn't focus on them for some reason): Also, it looks like it's "shedding" part of the... stem? Lol I suck at remembering...
  20. N

    Reccommend me a Ph Reader

    For soil of course. I'm on a tight budget so keep that in mind.