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  1. N!pples

    Even if Prop.19 passes, federal drug laws will be 'vigorously' enforced, official say

    Front page of the LA Times today! Even if Prop. 19 passes, federal drug laws will be 'vigorously' enforced, official says What a bunch of BullShit! Time to stand up! :wall: Here is the link...
  2. N!pples

    Fimming for the first time.. Pics of OG Kush 50 days in to 12hr and after fim

    Here are some pics of 5 branches that I fimmed! They are 50 days after the “Fim” and 50 days into 12 hr.. All but one of these is on the same OG Kush plant, the first two are of the same branch... I’m not really sure they all worked how they should have but I’m still satisfied with the results...
  3. N!pples

    OG Porn! 5000w 43 Days in!!!

    I really need a better camera but here are my ladies at day 43 of Flowering! Here are a few of the tops that I “Fimmed”, I think I like this! The Room!
  4. N!pples

    10 OG, 2 Skywalker, 5000W, Week 6...

    10 OG Kush and 2 Skywalker at week 6 !!! Here is the link to our medical Journal of this grow, just in case you are interested:
  5. N!pples

    5000w Hydro, top Fed Drain to waiste in 5 gallon Net pots.....

    Hello, This is my 2nd Journal here and have ditched the Sprinkler NFT because of height restrictions and are going closer to the ground.. 5000 watts, Co2 enhanced, 10 OG kush and 2 Skywalker.. Check it out HERE, its looking good...
  6. N!pples

    Top Fed Drain to Waste Journal (12 OG) Looking GOOOOOD!

    Hello Everyone, This will be my 2nd Journal here! If you wish to see the first using a NFT with Sprinklers try this link: Again, this is a Medical Marijuana Journal, All harvested plant material is consumed by the licensed...
  7. N!pples

    Here is the link to our first Medical journal!

    This is our first Medical grow out of a Homemade Sprinkler NFT.. If you have any any ideas or questions please feel free to post... N!ps
  8. N!pples

    Sprinkler NFT Journal!

    This was our first Journal! I promise the next will be better!!! This will be a journal using the Sprinkler NFT that was described on the HSOLA forums: OG Kush, Purple Diesel and Duffman OG was grown. This is my first Medical Marijuana Journal...