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  1. N

    Help with Long term storage in mason Jars

    I just finished my first grow and let it dry on a string for 5 days and then moved it to mason jars yesterday. I have been opening them for a few minute twice a day but was wondering what is the best method for long term storage nad how do i know when its ok to seal them up for good? Also any...
  2. N

    What store sells Mason Jars?

    I am looking for the glass/plastic ones with rubber rings and a latch to seal them closed tight to store some buds. I tried Walmart and Homedepot and they didn't have them. Any idea what store sells them? I live near Philadelphia so most big chains are somewhere near me.
  3. N

    Mold problem, need advice

    Hi, I am currently about 48 days into flowering on my Big Bang. It has been doing well but I had a slight mold problem I just noticed. I think its minor but please let me know. I know mold tends to spread and all but my growing conditions are 70-80 degrees with 35-50% humidity The mold I...
  4. N

    New leaves curling inward on sides and brown tips of hairs during flowering

    My Info: * Hydro or Soil (Fox Farm Ocean Forest) * Type of light? (1x 50 WATT HPS + 1x 42 WATT CFL@ 6500K + 2x 42 WATT CFL@ 2700K) * Atmosphere Conditions (70-85 Degrees, Humidity 30-50%) * Waterings (Tap water left out a few days) * PH Range (6.8-6.9) * Nutrients/Supplements (Orchid Bloom...
  5. N

    Tips of a few non fan leaves browning, redish purple lines on underside of some

    Here is most of the info on my plant from my Journal I was having what I believe was a slight N deficiency so I got fertilized and then that went away (yellow spots appearing on leaves, old leavers dying first and...
  6. N

    Light Green Patches on Leaves

    Sorry for the repeat post but I wanted to try a different title than my other problems thread to maybe get someones attention who has seen this problem. Anyone know? Pics below.
  7. N

    Save my baby!!! Yellow tips and oldest spikey leaf is shriveled

    I am having a problem with my big bang plant. Here is the info. * Hydro or Soil (Fox Farm Ocean Forest) * Type of light? (1x 50 WATT HPS + 2x 42 WATT CFL@ 6500K + 1x 42 WATT CFL@ 2700K) * Atmosphere Conditions (75-80 Degrees, Humidity 20% or less) * Waterings (Tap water left out a few days) *...
  8. N

    What strains are good for getting high and having sex?

    What do you look for in a strain for this? What do you avoid? I cant be the only one who's favorite thing to do high is get it on with the wife. If you know any strains that seem to be very good for this kind of fun please post them. If there are any that cause things like "can't get it up"...
  9. N

    What is cheapest way to check soil PH

    Also when do you check it in relation to last time you watered. I know my water is about 6.9 maybe a little higher, but what can I use to check the soil that you can get at a local place that is very cheap. I don't plan on checking more than a few times. Thanks.
  10. N

    Green House Big Bang First time grower

    My Info: * Hydro or Soil (Fox Farm Ocean Forest) * Type of light? (1x 50 WATT HPS + 2x 42 WATT CFL@ 6500K + 1x 42 WATT CFL@ 2700K) * Atmosphere Conditions (75-80 Degrees, Humidity 20% or less) * Waterings (Tap water left out a few days) * PH Range (6.9 for water) * Nutrients/Supplements (Was...