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  1. IronTurtle

    GH Subculture M & B help needed PLEASE

    So I recently purchased the GH subculture M & B and am a little confused on how to use it exactly.... My seedlings are at the point where they are ready to begin nutrient feeding and I know you are supposed to start with the M and then use the B later on. I was thinking of making a separate...
  2. IronTurtle

    Ebb and Flow Feeding Schedule Question

    I have seedlings that have just grown their 4th set of leaves so I will begin nutrient feedings here shortly. They are under 1000w hps 24 hr on and right now I am watering them once a day for about 10 min. They seem to be doing fine for right now. Any suggestions on when to begin increasing...
  3. IronTurtle

    Turtle's 2000W HPS 4 Strain Capp Ebb and Grow Journal

    This will be my first documented grow on RIU. For my grow room I built a wall cutting off an area of 8ft long x 4ft wide x 7ft tall. I used wood paneling similar to that of the room to make the grow space more conspicuous. I will be using a 15 plant capp ebb and grow system. The...