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  1. *J BlaYze*


    ok so my plant is 17 days old i have it on 16/8 cuz of school and its in a i cant believe its not butter container i was wondering when should i transplant it? and how big must the other container be? i only want to transplant once. here is a pic
  2. *J BlaYze*


    okay my plants are nice and healthy just a little on the small size for their age, i need better lighting, but considering i cant order any lights and im on a pretty tight budget does anyone have any suggestions on lights? thx your posts are highly appreciated
  3. *J BlaYze*

    weak stem

    ok so i planted two seeds fifteen days ago and my biggest plant has two medium size pointed leaves and two more slightly smaller, but i seam to have a week stem, now i know that a fan would help but i cant seem to find one the right size for my set up and im broke so i cant buy one. but i was...