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  1. mrandmrsgreenthumb

    A few pictures...

    First we have my setup for my second grow, freshly trimmed and sprouting out new growth like crazy. Second, picture of the first nug we took from our first grow, which after examining the nug I estimate we are 1-2 weeks away from. :peace: Mr.
  2. mrandmrsgreenthumb

    Good morning!

    It's 3:00pm and I'm just getting started, this week of vacation from work is a God send. :fire: Time to clean my room and my grow closets, but not before a bowl to get me started! bongsmilie What are all of you fine folks up to on this wonderful tuesday? :peace: Mr. P.S. sorry for...
  3. mrandmrsgreenthumb

    Is it too late for trimming?

    I'm on Day 41 of flowering and this is also my first grow. I am noticing the lower growth has made nowhere close to the progress of the upper growth. I was wondering how cutting off some of the lower growth this far into flowering would effect my plants. They are a Trainwreck and a Sour Diesel...
  4. mrandmrsgreenthumb

    How far out? Testing?

    Ok, so these pictures are about 5 minutes old. As of now I'm on Day 40 of flowering and was wanting some feedback on how they look and about how far from harvest they may be. These ladies started from clones and are about 3 feet each. One is a Trainwreck, the other a Sour Diesel. :leaf...
  5. mrandmrsgreenthumb

    Our first grow for anyone interested.

    My girlfriend and I started our first grow about 23 days ago, and well so far so good. We are using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil in a closet lined with 2 white walls, and 2 walls covered with reflective material. The light we are using is a 250w HPS and the plants are currently getting 18 hours...