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  1. GottaLotta

    I can't find a solution

    So we are closing in on 5 weeks of vegging here, and something came up in the last few days. From about the midsection of the girls and down, the leaves are wilting severely. Only a select few are yellow, for the most part the leaves that are drooping are a rich green and do not seem too dry or...
  2. GottaLotta

    Uh oh, spaghetti-o's...

    Probably not a huge cause for alarm as my crop looks pretty healty, but I need this checked out. As you can see in the pics, some of the leaves are developing dart purple spots. Also, quite a few of the stems have purple/brown streaks. Before they were streaks they were a patch of brown where...
  3. GottaLotta

    I think its the soil

    So my clones have been in for about 6 days now, and starting about 36 hours ago a few of them started to yellow on the bottom leaves. Most of the leaves in all of the plants curl down toward the bottom. Maybe a day or two after planting the tips of a lot of leaves turned yellow and brown on the...
  4. GottaLotta

    First time Blue Dream... check out my setup

    Hello all! So this is my first grow. I believe I've done a decent amount of research and would like to share the progress so far for some feedback. I constructed a grow room in my garage (house in norcal). The room is actually more of a frame of a room. It is made up of wood 2"x4"s and measures...