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  1. S

    EC level for white berry

    Alright guys im onto my 3rd grow and was just wondering about different EC for different species,im just wanting to ask if anyone has grown white berry before and what was your results over all and if you found an EC level best suited for this species. Im currently on week 2 of flower AQUA...
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    Need help fast

    Hi guys got a problem ive got 3 swiss cheese and another plant in 7 weeks of flowering the swiss cheese are fine but this other plant is really bad looking 2 days ago it started to dry up although it was watered properly and the nutes are all fine so i checked it the next day and most of the...
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    Need help fast lads.....

    problem guys i need help i recently got a real problem one minute one of my plants was ok then the next day i checked it i saw that it was drying up and the top leaves on the top of the colas started to wilt aand go yellow but the day before it was looking really nice so i removed the dead...
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    Need a blooming nutrient

    need a blooming nutrient can anyone help im running a hydro system i dont mind the expense.
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    All time best smoke youve ever had

    Right Team i know everyone has thier own prefered smoke but put ur hand on your heart and say okies the BEST smoke i ever had was........ mines was afghan black around the mid 80s maybe cause iw as a youngster but still havent came across a smoke like that and i dont think i ever will and as for...
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    Help quick ph level

    hi guys whats the best ph level to have when flowering i have mine about 5.6 to 6.0 is that too high or what?.
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    HELP many times do i water my plants.Hydro

    hi guys how many times a day would i let me hydroponics system feed my plants and for how long ive just started to flower today so quick replies would be grateful,i have 4 plants atm i set it to feed them instead of constantly to a 30min feed every 2 hours i know im wrong but does anyone know ?
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    Newbie @ work

    Hi guys started my 1st grow with a hydroponics system,ive got 4 plants 3 swiss cheese and 1 i aint got a clue what it is lol. The thing i wanna know is these BaBies are 3 weeks old and the other 1 is 4 weeks old i wanted to let em grow a litlle longer as i wanna top them so thats the question il...