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  1. paulio86

    Help with canna PK13/14

    Currently growing nevana white widow in soil, using canna terra flores cannazym and cannaboost we have got large bud formation and neglected to use our pk STONERS is it ok to use it now at 5 weeks into flower. although it is specified at 5 weeks our plant began flower as soon as on 12 12 and as...
  2. paulio86

    White Widow (Nirvana) BUD PICS!!! ALso Pineapple chunk and 3 other topped WW's

    Hi guys Its been a while since my last update on my first ever grow! im about 4 weeks into flowering my First White Widow i planted. things seem to be looking good. but i do have a bit of a problem. I invested in a 1200 x 1200 square tent and an air cooled light as i was having some...
  3. paulio86

    White Widow/ineapple Chunk/Blue Cheese First Time

    Hi people, This is my first grow im using: 1x 250 watt cfl (blue spectrum) 1x 200 watt cfl (blue spectrum) 1x 100mm inline fan (extract) Big oscilating fan 4x Blue cheese (Barneys Farm) 3x White Widow (Nirvana) 2x Pineapple Chunk (Barneys Farm) Been having some heat problems where its so...
  4. paulio86

    4 WHITE WIDOW (nirvana) 2 PINNEAPLE CHUNK (barneys farm)

    Im 5 Weeks Into My White Widow Grow With 3 Smaller White WIdows 3 and a half weeks behind and 2 pinneaple chunks been growing a week. I had some problems with my plants as i started to use a BRITA WATER FILTER do not use one of these as i was using it to filter my tap water (tap water being...
  5. paulio86


    Hi all. Thought id put a new post on here to show everyone how its going. WARNING!!! DONT USE A BRITA WATER FILTER-- i was using a brita water filter to filter my tap water. it was bringing the ph down from 8.5 to bang on 6.5 what i didnt realise was once the plants were watered the ph...
  6. paulio86

    Problems With My Leaves? I need help

    Hi guys. So i came back from work today and noticed that some of my leaves have a few rips or tears in them which i have no idea why. it was like 82 degrees F when i went in there and also i noticed a hole in one of them. anyone got any ideas what might be happening? Im only using a 200 watt...
  7. paulio86

    Update on my first ever grow (White Widow Nirvana)

    Hi People, Thought id put a little update on here and see what you lot think of my first grow so far. Im using a 200 watt blue spectrum cfl got a fan oscilating and also have extract but not using it yet. for flowering im going to be using a 600 watt hps The big plant is nearing its 4th...
  8. paulio86

    What is the best way to water a plant?

    Hi guys. Just wanted to know everyones thoughts and their own ways of how they water plants. would like a nice understanding on the best ways to water a plant just water, then in the veg stage, and flowering stage. i have cana veg and cana flores and dont have a clue what im doing i know...
  9. paulio86

    My first Ever Grow (WHite Widow) Some minor problems

    Hi people, Im now 3 weeks into my first grow and things seem to be looking pretty good. other than the curling of the leaves. Hopefully you can help me with this. in one of the pics attached it shows the temp in the room and closest to the light and the humidity at the bottom. could you...
  10. paulio86

    PLZ HELP - First grow leaves are curling up!!!

    Hi guys This is my first grow and im nearing week 3 from the seed. The plant im growing is white widow (fem) freom nirvana. i done something really silly the other day i put the plant under a 600 watt hps and burnt a few of the leaves. i quickly changed it to 200 watt cfl. now the leaves...
  11. paulio86

    First Time Grow (White Widow)(Nirvana) Pics of plant and grow room

    Hi peeps, Well its been just over a week since my little baby popped out. would just like to know if you all think shes looking healthy as this is my first time and not too sure what im supposed to be looking for? i have recently just re-potted as the roots in the jiffy cube were all pokoing...
  12. paulio86

    Please Help!! Root Problem!!!

    Hi Peeps. My plant seems to be growing great at the moment, but when i got in form work today i noticed what looks like the root has popped throughh the soil pod at the bottom. do i need to get it potted asap?
  13. paulio86

    (JOURNAL) FIRST TIME GROWING. First stage of vegging. (PICS)

    :leaf:Hi guys. Just thought id show you my first little baby. Would just like to know if she looks healthy and how close i need to keep my cfl's to the top. im worried about stretching! :leaf:I planted my Germinated seed on 07/05/10 it is now 10/05/10 and the plant has its first green...
  14. paulio86

    TAKE A LOOK!!! Mini vegging station. (PICS!!)

    Hi peeps just threw together something fast literally took me 3 minutes. id like to know what you lot think of this. What im planning on doing is putting my currently germinating white widow seeds (only 2 of them) in the mini propogator with 2 20watt = 100 watt cfl lights over the top with a...
  15. paulio86

    FIRST EVER GROW! would appreciate some feedback.

    Hi guys, Well ive finally set up my first grow room, pretty basic i know but its a start. First off i have a cupboard which is about 9ft long by about the width of a door. i have set my grow section up at the back of the room as i am only starting with 2 plants. have just baught a 600watt...
  16. paulio86

    First Time Grow Thinking About Using a Aerogarden Plz Help!!

    First Time Grow Thinking About Using a Aerogarden Plz Help!!! Hi Guys im new to this site but have read alot of threads and alot of you seem to know what your talking about. Anyway i want to grow my own plants for personal use but dont want to use soil i seen this aerogarden on youtube growing...
  17. paulio86

    First Time Grow Thinking About Using a Aerogarden Plz Help!!!

    Hi Guys im new to this site but have read alot of threads and alot of you seem to know what your talking about. Anyway i want to grow my own plants for personal use but dont want to use soil i seen this aerogarden on youtube growing cannabis and thought it looked good. could any of you shed some...