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  1. B

    Ask How The Founding Fathers Would Run The Country...

    Right after you ask Galileo how to work the Hubble telescope, Lao-Tzu how to run China, and Queen Elizibeth the 1st how to run England.
  2. B


    Every republican* on this board is paranoid, gullible and crazy. I'm glad I don't have to share a country with you. If you really believe that "Socialism" is a destructive force, tell me why Canada has a stronger economy and better healthcare. Try to do this without invoking a vast...
  3. B

    Minimum Temperatures

    Hey all, one week ago I put in 6 4 wk old (about 1 1/2 feet, topped) haze special plants in a perlite-heavy (75%) mix with some local clay, black limey hummus from some lime cliffs near the site and slow-release flower basket pebble ferts (14-14-14). The holes are about 2 ft deep. They are in a...