Search results

  1. realsquirrels

    DWC from seed

    OK, so I've searched around quite a bit and can't find info on what I'm looking for so here goes. I have done many grows in soil, but am planning to start my first DWC in the next couple weeks. I will be starting 6 plants from seed(non fem), in a 2x4 grow tent with a 400w HPS/MH. I plan to...
  2. realsquirrels

    Be careful posting pictures taken from your phone

    Some may already be aware of this but I just stumbled upon this article today Basically it say that photos taken from smart phones are tagged with the GPS coordinates where the photo was taken. It warns that this...
  3. realsquirrels

    Botanicare Pure Blend Pro

    I have PBP Grow, Soil Bloom, and Liquid Karma. The grow has worked well for veg, but I'm about to start 12/12 in the next few days and I'm wondering if there is too much K in them to be used exclusively. Has anyone used only those nutes with success or do you add anything else to the regimen...
  4. realsquirrels

    Is this moisture stress? PH problem?

    I have 10 Critical Mass plants at 18 days from seed. The soil is about 30% FF Ocean Forest 50% FF Light warrior and 20% perlite. They have been fed nothing but water every 2-3 days when soil is dry. Temps stay around 75-80, humidity 45-50%. Problems started about a week ago, first just...