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  1. BDBandit

    Animal abuse situation

    So I'm on a skype call with a friend, things are going well until her sisters boyfriend gets home. I hear some commotion and ask her what the deal is. Apparently the commotion is the boyfriend beating the living shit out of the dog, apparently it didnt listen too well. So we both just sit there...
  2. BDBandit

    Its a shame most things in life come down to how big your wallet is.

    What do you guys think? bongsmilie
  3. BDBandit

    cant sleep without mary j! any suggestions

    So when I have bud sleeping is no problem, it's when I'm dry that the problem occurs..can't sleep worth a damn! Don't get a bit of tired even if I have been up for a day. Any ideas to help? If it's either go buy more weed or suck it up I'm pursuing both ;)
  4. BDBandit

    Moving to Texas...any tips?

    Dont really know what to expect from the people or the state in general. So yeah any advice on the place? lol
  5. BDBandit

    number of pounds RIU members have smoked collectively?

    Just a random thought that popped into my head today, so what do you guys think? 1000 pounds? 5000? 10000!? lol
  6. BDBandit

    Would this be on the news if the roles were reversed?

    Thought this would make for an interesting discussion. What do you guys think? I think if it was a bunch of white guys beating on a black dude people would go crazy over it similar to how the whole Trayvon Martin thing is turning out.
  7. BDBandit

    For all my florida friends

    maybe we can make it happen :eyesmoke:
  8. BDBandit

    what would you do with 14 tons of weed?

    lol craziness
  9. BDBandit

    RIU Is Awesome

    jus sayin :D
  10. BDBandit

    I Wonder Who The First Person To Get High Was

    and what they were thinking was going on lol :lol:
  11. BDBandit


    so I've been dry for about a month but when I was cleaning around found 2 random ass nugs beside my internet modem idea how they got there but I dont care! now to enjoy being baked off my ass and hope you guys are as well bongsmilie ...but first off to subway :mrgreen:
  12. BDBandit

    Some Baked Fun

    Just spent an hour talking to this thing...pretty entertaining when your high lol. you can talk about anything and usually you get some pretty funny conversations going. hope someone else enjoys this :bigjoint:
  13. BDBandit


    for a new piece of paper in my glovebox, a new piece of plastic in my wallet, and a new plate...aaaah I hate the dmv! :wall: so fuck going to class later Im gonna sit here put on ace ventura and spark up a fatty lol...I need to loosen up :leaf:
  14. BDBandit

    hate to admit it...but I cracked

    :leaf::leaf:So I was just buying a drink at the gas station and the chasier offered some K2 for me. I was gonna say no but I havent smoked in a good few months so my mind said hell nah man lets get, so yeah I bought was only like 10 bucks so I figured why the hell not...well I...
  15. BDBandit

    question for the workout smart people

    If you do say, 20 pushups and 20 situps every hour for however long you stay up in the day, would you get out of it the same as doing that total (for example you do it for 10 hours equaling 200 each) all in the same session? It seems like it would, but I dont really have a clue..which is why im...
  16. BDBandit


    so I just sold my first thing off of craigslist..and man there are some fucking creepers out there lol. dunno if I want to use it again, too many crazy fuckers contacting me and I was only selling tires! anyone have some crazy CL experiences? or is it just me :bigjoint:
  17. BDBandit

    a little self promotion..

    Well I'm starting to make youtube videos and figured I would show all you guys not only to try and get known but to get opinions on em too..good? bad? tips? advice? anything really, and dont worry I'm a big boy you wont hurt my feelings with some harsh critisicm lol. heres the link to my video...
  18. BDBandit

    just got stung by a scorpion

    twice!! and on my ass too!! lol no joke...I was getting ready to go to the beach and got my swim trunks from the floor, when I was putting them on I felt a big sting on my right cheek and flipped out for a bit haha. So I took them off and shook them out and what do you know a baby scorpion fell...
  19. BDBandit

    Goodluck to everyone getting hit by the hurricane

    It's a fucked situation, especially if your grow is in danger. :joint:
  20. BDBandit

    Got mugged by some crackheads today

    Well I was washing my car (manual carwash thing) and after a few minutes a group of 5 dudes approached me, the carwash is in a ghetto ass part of town so I knew something bad was probably gonna happen. They gave me some bullshit speech about how they needed money to build a new football field...