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  1. Dreamy

    Burned??? *pic*

    Grow: Low Ryder Easy Ryder 5 Gallon Smart Pot Subcool's Super Soil + FFOF 200 Watt CFL Picked these leaves off the bottom, as they were the worst. Any idea's whats going on here?
  2. Dreamy

    Found a seed from lowryder

    Harvested my lowryder auto a week ago and found a seed in one of the buds. Is it any good? Will it be an auto as well?
  3. Dreamy

    Flash Auto Flowering Cobra

    Does this plant look done to you guys? Started them April 4th from seed, of course. The two first pics are of the top bud, the last pic is from a lower branch. If I had to guess, the top looks almost done, and the lower looks to be about a week or so out. Thoughts? Top Top Bottom
  4. Dreamy

    Using Smart Pots in the Ground? Anyone Do It?

    Has anybody ever done this? I’m just trying think of other ways to plant outdoors in the ground, and for my plants to take full advantage of this soil I spent a fortune on (Subcool’s Super Soil). I have 3 ways in mind. 1. Just dig holes and plant them. Maybe a 3’ x 3’ hole? (Trying to avoid...
  5. Dreamy

    Can I Take a Clone from This Plant?

    I have 10 plants this size, I want to get them outside but I want to determine sex before I do that. From what I can gather, its suggested to take a clone from the plants and put them on 12/12 to determine sex. I want the plants in the ground in 2 weeks. Can I cut a clone off this or is it too...
  6. Dreamy

    Using rock as a top soil?

    I've seen it before in pictures, what kind of rock are you suppose to use? I was thinking like aquarium rock or something? Any downside to doing this?
  7. Dreamy

    200 Watt CFL distance from seedings?

    Just picked up a 200w SunSystem CFL light for my seedlings. Seedlings are about 1-2" tall. What is the recommended distance I should keep the light from the top of my babies? Thanks in advance!
  8. Dreamy

    Flower at 3 weeks to determine sex?

    I was wondering if it's a good idea to flower seedlings at 3 weeks to determine sex then switch them back to veg once I clean out the males. I have TGA strains that I plan on growing outdoors this year but want to get a jump start on them indoors before I put them outside. So my plan is to...
  9. Dreamy

    Needs suggestions on good Northern Lights seeds....

    Can anybody suggest a good breeder for some good NL's? Prefer feminized. I searched but so much stuff came up it's hard to find the right info. Anybody?
  10. Dreamy

    Im going to guess 2 weeks left?

    Here is a pic of my prize possetion for this grow season. She's about 5.5 feet tall with most of the buds on the main stalk. This pic was taken last Friday morning. Any thought? Thanks in advance.
  11. Dreamy

    Tops of leaf stems are purple....

    So I have a girl and ever since flowering the tops of the leaf stems are purpleish in color. I've never seen anything like it. Anybody have any ideas? Plant seems healthy. MG organic soil and FF trio nutes.
  12. Dreamy

    Starting clones without chemicals?

    Anybody have any tips to start a couple clones without using any clone gels? I just trimmed a few smaller branches off my female and thought why let the trimmings go to waste, might as well use them as clones and toss them outside when they establish. All I have at my house is the FF Trio...
  13. Dreamy

    Still no flowering..

    ...or pre flowering! I have 2 plants. One started to flower over a week ago, the other, nothing! I dont know what the deal is. Its the end of the 3rd week in August and im a little worried about that one plant. It looks healthy, grows taller everyday but no freeking pre flowers! Im using FF...
  14. Dreamy

    Whats damaging my leafs?

    Any ideas? Outdoor, fox farm nutes. No visable bugs.
  15. Dreamy

    Still not showing sex?

    I had 3 plants, one turned out to be a male (about a week ago now) and the other two aren't showing sex yet. I'm located in MN and I have another group of plants that are well into flowering (same seeds). The ones that are flowing are in the ground and they don't get any nutes, and pretty much...
  16. Dreamy

    Too late to tie down?

    I have two small girls and kind of want to tie one down to see what yield difference I can get from it compared to the one I dont tie down. There both about 16 inches tall. No flowering going on yet, just some pre flowers. Thoughts?
  17. Dreamy

    How do my plants look?

    Just looking for a little advice. The plant in the bucket seems to be turning a little yellowish on the bottom, and the one in the smart pot seems to be doing fine now that I killed the bugs that were eating it. They are in MG organic soil and there is a thin layer of FFOF in the top. I have...
  18. Dreamy

    I think its a male?!

    I have 3 plants, out of the 3 this one is the only one that looks like this and its the tallest by about 4 inches. The other two show no signs of sex yet. I think its a male :cry: Can anybody confirm? It only looks like this at the top of the plant.
  19. Dreamy

    No signs of sex yet?

    I have 3 plants outdoors in MN and none of them are showing sex yet. No pre flowers, no nothing. Should I be worried?
  20. Dreamy

    What's up with my leafs?

    The past week they have developed these spots on the leafs, not sure whats causing it. Either bugs or the nutes would be my guess. I'm growing in MG organic soil and using Fox Farms Trio per their feeding schedule, which is once a week for me. These are two plants, one looks like some kind of...