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  1. powegu

    Strain advice planting late in UK greenhouse

    I'm in the UK and I've just decided to try and grow in the greenhouse. I understand it's very late to do this and I may not get the optimal yield but there must be an auto-flowering strain that will work? Can someone suggest a good strain that will flower automatically and do so by september...
  2. powegu

    UK Greenhouse Strain Advice…. Late Grow

    I'm in the UK and I've just decided to try and grow in the greenhouse. I understand it's very late to do this and I may not get the optimal yield but there must be an auto-flowering strain that will work? Can someone suggest a good strain that will flower automatically and do so by september...
  3. powegu

    Help from anyone in the UK or knows about force flowering outdoors!!?

    I'm currently growing a plant in a greenhouse in the UK but to flower it I have been taking it inside every night which is a bit annoying. I have bBen doing this for 3 weeks now and I'm wondering if there is enough darkness in the UK at the moment to ensure my plant continues to flower without...
  4. powegu

    Can i go back to natural light cycle to carry on flowering?

    First of all, I live in the uk and am growing an ak48 in the greenhouse. I managed to induce flowering by giving it 36hrs darkness and everyday since then i have been taking it inside every night on a 12/12 cycle . It has now shown its first pistols but I am wondering if it will continue to...
  5. powegu

    should i change pots?? PICTURE- which pot is best?

    i'm one week into flowering this AK-48 in the greenhouse. I enfore 12/12 by taking it in every night. Just wondering if you think i should transfer it into a bigger pot, and if so which of these do you recommend. One is much bigger and wider, the other is in between and may be easier to carry...
  6. powegu

    Skinny plant?

    I'm growing a plant in my greenhouse and just wondering if its possible to force the plant to grow outwards a bit more. It's a few weeks old but it is very skinny and would like it to be more bushy. Is there anything I can do?
  7. powegu

    Greenhouse growing in the UK

    Hi guys, I'm relatively new at this but i planted 2 plants in my greenhouse a couple of years ago which were successful. I managed to flower these by taking them inside every night and every day to change the light/dark timings. I've decided to plant an old seed I had lying around, and did this...
  8. powegu

    early harvest?? should i harvest now?? HELP please!

    should i harvest now?? HELP please! PICS i've been growing these two plants in my greenhouse for a while now and as you can see from the pics they are flowering. my parents originally agreed to the growing but now they are having second thoughts very close to the harvest stage they wont to...
  9. powegu

    should i harvest now?? HELP please! PICS

    i've been growing these two plants in my greenhouse for a while now and as you can see from the pics they are flowering. my parents originally agreed to the growing but now they are having second thoughts very close to the harvest stage :( they wont to give the plants away for someone else to...
  10. powegu

    why are my plants not growing?

    i am now in week 3 of 12/12 and i am growing in a greenhouse. Since starting 12/12 my plants have not really grown in height at all. i was always told that your plants will have a massive growth spurt when you flower and they could grow double the height but so far they've grow about 6 inches...
  11. powegu

    what's wrong with my plants?? HELP please!

    i am growing these two plants in a greenhouse and they are about 3 weeks into flowering. the leaves are turning yellow/brown and dying. not sure what the problem is. help would be greatly appreciated!
  12. powegu

    how much longer?

    This is my first grow and i'm 3 weeks into flowering. Just wondering if these are looking like they should. Are they up to speed? and what kind of yield will i get from these two plants?
  13. powegu

    can i revert back to long days after three weeks of flowering (12/12)?

    I've got two plants that are in the third week of flowering. they are growing in a greenhouse so to get 12/12 i carry them inside at 10pm and outside again at 10am. But i'm going on holiday in 10 days and there's no one here to do that. What shall i do??
  14. powegu

    it is alright to have the fan on during the dark period only

    i am growing two plants in a greenhouse and i am two weeks into flowering. To flower them i just bring them inside at 10:00pm and take them out at 10:00am for 12/12 cycle. I need to use a fan because the stems are looking thin and weak BUT there is no power in the greenhouse. My question is...
  15. powegu

    what kind of yield will these two plants give me??

    I'm growing two 'AK48' plants in my greenhouse. They are about two weeks into flowering (i changed to 12/12 by covering them every night). This is my first grow so I have no idea how much yield i will get. Any ideas??
  16. powegu

    please HELP me. Leaves, brown spots, dying??

    I have two greenhouse plants which are 2.5 ft tall. I started 12/12 about 10 days ago and first preflowers have just been spotted. (there female!) However they are not looking at all healthy....The pictures show there problems. Help would be hugely appreciated!
  17. powegu

    my greenhouse grow

    I've been growing these two plants in my greenhouse for about 6 weeks. I have a few problems so any advice would be appreciated. First.... the big bottem fan leaves keep going yellow and dying which means my plants are not looking at all bushy! There are also brown patches on a few leaves. I am...