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  1. G


    What's the best vaporizor out there that's less than $300?
  2. G

    Brewing compost teas for a guerilla grow

    I've been reading up on composts teas and apparently you need to have an aerator to get good aerobic bacteria. I was planning on just letting my tea brew in 5 gal buckets at my site, but obviously I don't have an electric source for an aerator. I did a search on battery aerators and found some...
  3. G

    Yellowing Leaves on My Seedlings Bottom Leaves

    I'm not sure if this is normal or if I'm doing something wrong. Light a tad too high perhaps? Any suggestions?
  4. G

    FF Bush Doctor products

    I'm doing a guerrilla grow this year and I was wondering if Kangaroots and Microbe Brew are worth the money for my purposes? I used Fox Farm Tiger Bloom as a supplemental foliar spray last year and was super impressed by the results, so I'm using a lot of their products this year. I'm thinking...
  5. G

    Insect damage or mineral deficiency?

    It starts with yellow dots on the leaves, then the whole leaf turns yellow and the spots turn brown. Eventually the whole leave withers and dies. It's been happening towards the bottom and working its way to the top. This started 3 weeks ago. 2 Weeks ago I started adding Bud Swell and black...