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    BUD ROT - Help Please!! Spray Greencure or Serenade? Early Harvest? Do I quick dry?

    Please help!!! I just started week 7 of GDP, an 8 week strain (I usually flower for 53 days) and I found bud rot on a 10 top buds yesterday. I cut them out and found bud rot on another 6 buds today. I have already dropped humidity down to 50%, removed infected buds, put in 3 more fans...
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    Anyone know of a BUSHMASTER Substitute?

    I have tried a sample of Bushmaster, which worked great for my Blue Dream plants. Bushmaster was recommended for many reasons of which stopping vertical growth was the most important. I have low ceilings. Is there a generic or cheaper version of HC's Bushmaster. Its just too expensive. I...
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    Californians - How many of you have MMID, state cards, or none? POLL

    Curious to see how many of you have a medical recommendation card. How many of you have a State ID card? How many of you have neither? The arguments seem to be: A. Just get a medical recommendation, no need for a State Card that will put you "on the radar" B. Got the State ID because the...
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    Best Time Of Day to Water? Hydro - Ebb and Flow

    Im about to flower and am flooding trays twice a day. I plan on continuing watering twice a day. Question: Considering lights come on at 7pm (for 12 hours), what times should I water/feed? The hydro guy at the Hydroponic store said not to water during dark cycle. He recommended water at...
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    Why are my Plants sagging?? Help Please!

    I have 14 GDP's entering the 3rd week of vegging. For some reason they have started to sag quite a bit and I cant figure out why. Please help. There is no discoloration, they are nice and green. No curling of the leaves really. No signs of yellowing or burning. Here are my specs: - 6"...