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  1. M

    Light question

    I have a 600w hps light,have had it for about 6-8months,it is starting to blacken at the edges,not badly,but you can see it when the light is off,my question is am i better off using this or my brand new 400w???
  2. M

    3 is the magic number

    Just a quick question,i don't think its a plant problem so wasn't sure which section to put it in!! Basically one of my little seeds has popped open to reveal 3 leaves instead of the normal 2,and in the middle i can see another 3 forming? is this a common thing? I have only done a few grows but...
  3. M

    Let me down lightly!!! or give me good news

    Right people,have been growing 2 Big bud xxl feminised,they are just coming up to week 2 of flower,everything has gone brilliant,the plants have grown well,they have had good temps all the way through,no light leakage,haven't even gone to check on them unless it was lights on time!! Only when i...
  4. M

    Maybe a stupid question?

    I understand different plants have different flowering times!!,but when do you measure from? when you change the light to 12/12 or from when the flowers actually start to show? cheers
  5. M

    Lighting question??

    Hi people,i have a blue cfl for vegging and a 600w dual spectrum hps for flower,my question is can i put the cfl in when in flower aswell?,as its just sitting there doing nothing,and thought i might aswell put it to use if it will be beneficial!!
  6. M

    Seed problems!! help please

    Hi all,a mate of mine is having problems germinating his seeds,basically he tried to germinate 3 seeds,after 5 days still nothing has happened,yet i had 2 of the same seeds off him,both of mine worked fine!!!!,so after 3 days he chucked in a couple more of a different type that i gave him,again...
  7. M

    Whats up with my White rhino???

    Got 2 little plants but one is not doing too well,first 3 pics are of the bad one,the last one is of the better plant 1. 2. 3. Ignore the yellow leaf,that was a previous soil issue i had!! 4. the good one As you can see the leaves are droopy,and appear to being drying!!,i have stopped...
  8. M

    Are my Rhino's gonna be extinct??

    Hi all,New to this site,and the whole growing a couple of little White Rhino's that don't seem to be doing too well,they both have different problems, Now i'll start from the beginning so hopefully it will help with your answers,i have bought a grow tent and i have 3 plants in...