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  1. prep1801

    Light/Timing Problem

    I have two grow rooms and one light. one of my rooms is for blooming plants... one is for growing plants. Evey day at 5:45 am I have to move the light from my grow room to my bloom room. The light turns on at 6 am and goes to 6 pm. This morning I slept through my alarm and didn't get my...
  2. prep1801


    I've had this idea of taking a picture every three days in my head for a while now. The best I could do was sporadic pics throughout. These are blackjacks. Start of bloom: week and a half into bloom: 2 weeks later: few days later: few more days later: few more days...
  3. prep1801


    so I've never really cared about this... I've never had a reason to. I still don't... but out of curiosity this morning I checked my runoff pH. The pH of everything going in was 5.9. The pH of the runoff was 6.7 (after sitting in the trays for 5-10 minutes). I'm growing in 60/40 coco and...
  4. prep1801

    Proper bulb care?

    I have a 600w hps system. I was wondering... after the bulb turns off, how long must I wait before turning it back on. This has nothing to do with plants... just about the bulb. Is it bad for the bulb to be turned off and then back on again in 3-4 minutes?
  5. prep1801

    pH a bit too low for 1 watering. effects?

    I just finished watering... and I think I may have accidentally added too little pH up. My plants are 4 weeks into bloom. At this stage, I give them 2 ml pH up / gallon. That gives me a pH of 5.8. This time I think I may have accidentally given them only 1 ml pH up / gallon. Meaning my pH...
  6. prep1801


    Anyone in 612, 651, 763, or 952? I am in between grows and am having the damndest time trying to get a hold of anything. here's my current grow: Blackjacks 4 weeks in. I still have another 5-6-7 weeks left. send me a private message if you can help.
  7. prep1801

    Coco and hydroton: ph 5.8 or 6.5?

    My understanding is that if growing in soil, your nutrient solution should be around 6.5. If growing hydroponically, your nutrient solution should be around a 5.8. Well, I grow in a combination of 60/40 coco and hydroton. My understanding of coco and hydroton is that it can be treated as a...
  8. prep1801

    spider mites

    Hello. I'm 5 weeks into flowering and just noticed that a few leaves on each of my 6 plants were speckled. upon closer inspection, i see tiny moving spider mites and hundreds of little eggs. I have removed the most damaged leaves and temporarily placed the plants outdoors (its 35-40f outside...
  9. prep1801

    nirvana blackjack

    so I just sprouted my next generation of plants. They are blackjacks from nirvana. I was wondering if anyone could speak to the height of these plants? I just finished a grow of Aurora Indica. They were listed as being short plants. However, by the time all was finished, they were 6ft tall...
  10. prep1801

    mixing mosquito dunks and nutes?

    I have a small gnat problem that has been persisting for months now. Tomorrow I'm planning on picking up some mosquito dunks. I was just wondering the proper way to use them. Do I mix my nutrients into the dunk water and feed to my plants? Or do I have to do feed and apply dunk water...
  11. prep1801

    making cannabutter

    I just harvested half of a plant to make some cannabutter. I know there is a debate over whether or not to use fresh junk... I'm not trying to have that... I'm just curiouse about weight. I usually put an once of dry weed into 2 sticks of butter. This time I'm using fresh. I just put 100g in the...
  12. prep1801


    does anybody know the truth about flushing with florakleen? some say final flush. some say flush with florakleen for a while... then with water. some say the opposite. I'm confused at this point. My plan is to flush with 10 gallons over 5 days (@8,9 or10 ml/gallon). i'm already 2 days and 4...
  13. prep1801

    1st attempt at supercropping

    I posted this in the general growing section, but have yet to hear anything, so I'm posting in this new section. sorry if thats a forum faux pas. So this is my first attempt at supercropping. I just would like some verification that I did this correctly. I only cropped one plant... I have 4...
  14. prep1801

    am I supercropping correctly

    So this is my first attempt at supercropping. I just would like some verification that I did this correctly. I only cropped one plant... I have 4 others. If I did this correctly they too will be cropped. They are aurora indicas at 3-4 weeks. I bent just below the 3rd set of leaves. My...
  15. prep1801


    I've been growing for a couple years now. I've always been happy with the high, but never been satisfied with the taste. I purchased seeds online and am excited about the imporved quality of the plants. I would really like for them to taste good. They are Aurora Indicas at 6 weeks. My plan is...
  16. prep1801

    looks done at 5.5 wks

    Hi. I'm growing 5 Aurora Indicas. Today is 5.5 weeks. 1 of them looks extremely further along than the rest. most hairs of turned... plenty of trichs. It also has smaller buds. I checked with a microscope and the trichs seem to be half clear and half cloudy, so I know it still has time...
  17. prep1801

    when do plants go into bloom outdoors?

    Hi. I have an idoor grow room that has plants in bloom right now. I have the next generation growing on my deck. The plants on my deck are probably only 8" tall so far. My problem is this: The days here in Minnesota are getting shorter and shorter. Tomorrow, sept 5th, I will only have 13...
  18. prep1801

    floranova to flora program

    maybe this is too specific of a question, but I'm wondering if anyone has any experience in using both the flora and the floranova series of products put out by General Hydroponics. I've been using the floranova program...
  19. prep1801

    liquid koolbloom / solid koolbloom relationship?

    So I've just added some dry koolbloom to to my pantry. I've already been using liquid Kb. However, I understand that with the addition of dry Kb, the usage of liquid Kb changes. I would like some verificattion that I am understanding their combined usage correctly. I'm growing Aurora Indicas...
  20. prep1801

    puppy ate my cookies...

    I'm not exactly sure where to post this, but... While I was napping, my 5 month old puppy broke into my coffee table drawer and ate 2 strong cookies. 18 cookies had 30 g of weed or so. Again, she ate two. She's about 30 lbs. There was a small amount of chocolate in the cookies. Its been about 3...