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  1. Ethan Cray

    NL5, is she ready??

    Hello all, these are pics of my NL5 plant that has been flowering under a 1000 watt hps for about 6 weeks. Today I noticed some of the top flowers withering a little bit. Does this mean it is time?? Ethan
  2. Ethan Cray

    NL#5, Flow, C99 update

    Hello, Here is an update on my girls. These are pics of NL5 after 5 weeks of veg at 18/6. She is approximatly 22 inches tall. I am growing in fox farm soil and using Fox farm grow big with a little epsom salt. Grown under 1000 watt HPS light. These are Flo, They have been grown using all...
  3. Ethan Cray

    4 weeks veg NL5, flow, C99

    Left to right C99, FlO, and NL#5. 4 weeks of veg under 1000 watt HPS. I am using fox farm soil and Grow big fert. Please let me know what you think. E
  4. Ethan Cray

    how much longer before 12/12

    Flow NL5 C99 Hello all, I bought these as clones 3 weeks ago and planted them in Fox farms organtic soil. I am using a 1000 watt HPS light. The NL% is 15 inches tall and the other 2 are about 12. How tall does everyone switch over to 12/12...
  5. Ethan Cray

    Leafs rolling up

    Hello all, I have had this NL5 plant for about 2 weeks and the leafs look green and healthy but they started rolling up a couple days ago. Does anyone have any ideas what may cause this???:wall: E
  6. Ethan Cray

    Pics of the new girls setteled in their new home

    the c99 and the NL5 are doing great, but the Flo is not looking very good. I moved it away from the light a little and it seemed to look a little better after an hour but I am not to sure about it. E
  7. Ethan Cray

    topsy terby

    Any one tried growing with one of those fucking upside down things?
  8. Ethan Cray

    new clones

    Hello all, I bought some new clones yesterday NL #5, C99, and A flo. These were started in hydro but I will be growing them in soil. The guy I bought them from told me to keep them in a pan of water for a couple days to get use to my light before I put them in soil. I am using a 1000watt HPS...
  9. Ethan Cray

    Anyone grown Flo

    I bought a flo clone today and am wondering if anyone else has grown it. I read an article about it that said when you pick the buds new ones grow. Has anyone tried this? E
  10. Ethan Cray

    Anyone know of a low odor strain

    Hello all, I am sure other people have asked this question but I would like to hear what everyone has grown that is still a good bud and has a lower odor. I have a big Buddah that is 38 days into flowering and oh my god does it stink. the next time around we plan to do a full 6 and there is no...
  11. Ethan Cray

    31 day into flowering

    Hello, Here are some new pics of my girl (Big Buddau). :mrgreen:
  12. Ethan Cray

    Any colorado Growers

    Hello all, I just got legal a couple of months ago and am attempting my first grow. I am just curious if there are any other colorado growers on here and if you have any special advice for me. I was wondering if the altitude makes and difference and what has worked good for everyone else. E...
  13. Ethan Cray

    My first atempt

    Hello all, Here are some pics of my first girl. She is Big Buddah.:mrgreen: It has been flowering for approximatly 3 weeks and is over 4 feet tall. Ethan
  14. Ethan Cray

    Grey spots and leafs curling up

    Hello all, I started my first pland about 10 weeks ago. I bought a big Buddah teenager and vegged it for about 6 weeks and kicked it to 12/12 about 3 weeks ago. It has good buds everywhere so I had read to cut out all furterlizer about 3 weeks in to flush it but i cut it to just water about 4...