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  1. Craig36

    Flowering week 7-8. How much left?

    Plz help me to find out how much left. Thank you :D
  2. Craig36

    Day 24 in flowering (first grow)

    Sup guys! Some pictures from my ladies. 2 bagseeds, light flipped to 12/12 on 2/6. Growing in soil (regular 10-10-10 potting) mixed with perlite and sand, Ph about 6.6. Using Super Bloom flower food (12-55-6). Lights: 2 42w 2700k cfl and 6 23w 2700k cfl. Advices,comments are welcome :)
  3. Craig36

    Possibly hermi

    turned to 12/12 on 1/31 and im afraid its a straight hermi. I post some pics cuz i wanna make sure im right and seperate it asap from the ladies. thnx for your help
  4. Craig36

    1st time grow ever

    Hi yall! First of all thnx for all of your help about marijuana growing cuz i learnt everything from this forum and im still learning. One of my friend gave me couple of seeds bout 3 months ago and i decided to plant them. I have no idea what type they r, the only thing i know is they r canabis...