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  1. fourtwentyish

    Not sure what is wrong, only 1 girl having problem.

    So I have 2 plants going, same set up, same soil, same watering, same everything. I have not added any nutes yet. Both are still growing at a reasonable speed, neither is stunted. One has lots of yellowing and leaves are getting brittle. Not sure what the problem is after a bit of looking...
  2. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    I am growing 2 feminized white widow seeds from Nirvana. The only lighting will be from my 180w Blackstar UFO I got from Gotham Hydroponics. The cab is a GL60 tent from GrowLab which I got from Avant Garden. I started the seeds in wet paper towels in a sealed container. Left them in...