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  1. C

    Who can Diagnose this Plants Sickness?

    My guess is phosphorous deficiency, whats yours? Trying to evaluate this one struggling plant out of the 3. The blotchy dark spots on the right leaves along with the droopiness and yellow tops
  2. C

    Repotting soil. help

    I repotted my plants from cups to containers the soil was moist and when placing it into the new pot the soil ball fell apart a bit. I quickly put more soil around it and put pressure so the plant would stand up again and not fall over. I watered but did not want to over water. Is the plant...
  3. C

    Im Back and Planted

    Made a thread in January showing the space I was working with. Now I am back and planted. 3 Cheese 3 Vanilla Kush. Only 1 Cheese and 2 VK sprouted and I am pretty disappointed and do not know why this happened. Any thoughts would be great. My buddy also had an old old old super lemon haze...
  4. C

    New member starting first grow!

    Hey guys I've seen this site never joined, I'm a lurker over on tokecity I figured show some love here and try to retain as much knowledge as possible and help others in the future. To give you an idea with the space im working with I have an awful video with dumb commentary...