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  1. J

    Heat From Light, Burn Plant

    Hey guys, last week friday i switched from cfls to a 600 w hps light. I checked on them the next day and this is what they looked like. i had the light 2 ft away from the tops with no fan blowing air between so I think i just cooked them. I stopped using the hps and went back to...
  2. J

    light is hurting plants?

    Hey riu, I switched from a cfl set up to a 600 w yieldmaster II supreme hps to flower and about an hour after I had the light running, the plants looked like this.. I think the light was too close and was just cooking them. It was at about 2 feet above them and I moved it up to 4 ft above them.
  3. J

    cheap amazon cool tube light

    Hey guys, Have any of you heard anything about this light: it seems really cheap so I was wondering if its a good deal or if its just going to fall apart in a month...
  4. J

    Fluorescent lighting question

    I just picked up a couple of 4ft fluorescent light fixtures for real cheap and I was wondering what type of bulbs to put it them. I'm going to be using them for clones mainly in a dwc system. Would something like this work:
  5. J

    Fox Farm Nutrients Sitting on Bottom

    I have a big 22 gallon rubbermaid dwc system and I'm currently using fox farm grow big and tiger bloom. I'm noticing that the nutrients seem to be sitting on the bottom and not mixing with the water real well. Any suggestions to fix this? Thanks
  6. J

    white widows very short and bushy

    First off, I've learned a ton of stuff so far so keep up the good work riu! Comparing these plants to others I've seen, they look kinda short. I'm worried since the nodes are so close that leaves won't get the right amount of light. What do you guys think? Heres some info: These are 3...
  7. J

    what lights to use for closet

    Alright, I was wondering what lights I should use for the closet space I have? Heres what I'm planning on doing: 2 large rubbermaid dwc's, (vegging in one while the other flowers, then moving the tubs so the other one flowers. while doing this taking clones to replace the vegging...
  8. J

    Warehouse lighting questions

    Hey guys I'm looking at setting up a cheap lighting system so reading different posts it sounds like warehouse lighting can be a cheap alternative. I was looking at this one but had a question or 2...
  9. J

    Buckets vs. Rubbermaid container

    Hey guys, I'm thinking of starting a grow with fem. white widow, using a 400 hps. Any thoughts on using 3 or 5 gallon buckets vs. one big rubbermaid container. I was thinking about planting 3 since white widow can get pretty big. also, how long do you normally veg w.w? I've heard just wait...
  10. J

    Seeds from plants

    I have a couple basic questions about sexing your plants and seeds: If you plant 10 seeds how will you know which are male and female? Also, to my understanding bud comes female and seeds from male correct? So if you keep a male or 2 you can harvest seeds from that plant and use...
  11. J

    Seeds not germinating, past 24 hours

    Hi, A friend of mine got lowryder#2s feminized from and used the paper towel method to germinate. On a plate, he put one layer of paper towel folded in half down, wet the paper towel, seeds, another paper towel folded in half, wet that and put a bowl over the...