Search results

  1. bekind2yourbuds

    California script from primary care dr renewal?

    I have the real California script off California's website and my primary care dr. filled it out for me last year. Does anyone know if I have to renew this yearly like the cards? There is no expiration date on it written and nothing that states a time. I can get my dr to sign a new one and might...
  2. bekind2yourbuds

    Outdoor NorCal pest/caterpillar preventive ideas?

    I'm doing a NorCal outdoor grow and had some issues with caterpillar's last year. I used the safer caterpillar killer but it was late in the grow and I feel it for sure had an effect on the quality/taste. would like to do as much as I can this year to help prevent this problem. Any...
  3. bekind2yourbuds

    outdoor grow, height restriction, topping question

    I have a newbie question as this is my first outdoor grow in the CA Bay Area. Currently got a few ladies; Chernobyl, Agent Orange, and Blue Dream. Put them all out from indoor around May 28th. All are in 10gallon smart pots. I am looking to top them because I have a height restriction (7'...
  4. bekind2yourbuds

    Need some super simple outdoor soil mix ideas, ASAP!!

    Looking for a super simple low budget outdoor northern/bay area CA soil mix (or pre-made bag mix) that I will not have to add much nutrients too throughout grow cycle. If you have had good luck with the mix and add nutrients please let me know what and when you added. Don't know if it matters...
  5. bekind2yourbuds

    Low Odor strain ideas?

    Looking for some ideas on low odor strains that would be good for outdoor (CA East bay Area) Thank you for any info!!
  6. bekind2yourbuds

    Low Odor Outdoor Strain Ideas?

    Looking for some ideas on low odor strains that would be good for outdoor (CA East bay Area) Thank you for any info!!
  7. bekind2yourbuds

    Need Help With Getting A Card

    I have not had medical insurance for over a year and to get my 215 card I have to show notes stating my illness (migraines, asthma, insomnia) within the last year. I still have some medication with my name on it but the Dr's I have spoke with said they can not take this. Is there a way around...
  8. bekind2yourbuds

    When to prepare soil/plant clones (outdoor CA bay area)

    I have always done indoor and wanted to do some outdoor this season but had a few questions for any CA bay area folks (east bay). I wanted to know when I should start preparing my soil and when I should be looking to plant clones. I have a buddy who has a few different strains he will give...
  9. bekind2yourbuds

    When to prepare soil/plant clones (outdoor CA bay area)

    I have always done indoor and wanted to do some outdoor this season but had a few questions for any CA bay area folks (east bay). I wanted to know when I should start preparing my soil and when I should be looking to plant clones. I have a buddy who has a few different strains he will give me...