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  1. growUS

    need ideas about light source... got a lil prob.

    i had 20 seedlings under 4 cfl 23w, which is really a 400w. My problem is the roots are growing so damn fast i have to re-pot and my pots are way too big to fit in my 3'X3'X5' (l,w,d) area. I am an outdoor grower but we have shitty weather for about 2 more weeks. The plants are varying from 1-3...
  2. growUS

    When to take plants outside?

    I have 12 seeds germinating and a few more on the way. I have a few sprouts and am using a germination greenhouse. Currently they are 3 cfls, each 100 watt, about a inch away from the seedlings. I live in a climate similar to KY & TN, temps are 50-70 right now next month should be around the...