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  1. RisingStock

    RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!

    After a couple days of light drizzling rain my plants on the balcony took off. All 8 are Stitches 'Super Autos' All, that is, except one. Unlike all the other plants with bful happy green leaves, this plant had rust looking spots. Starting with the bottom leaves and moving up. Between...
  2. RisingStock

    Soil Advice Please

    Soil advice please. I've germinated my Flash Seed SuperAutos and my LowRyder II seeds. (Both AutoFlower) I've reviewed several 'Soil Guide's to Growing' Now I'm ready to plant these babies in their permanent homes. (Airpots and Superpots!). Unfortunately, here in Asia you have to special...
  3. RisingStock

    Post-cloning problems

    Hi y'all, Hope you can help. Having no trouble cloning Sweet Tooth. Nice healthy clones with strong white roots in rapid rooter plugs, in a cloning kit (mini-greenhouse with a heat opad). The problem comes AFTER I try to transplant them. I've tried two methods...hydro in pH'd water...
  4. RisingStock

    Please help

    In the 3rd week of flowering. Leaves are showing strange white specks, some are yellowing... I've included some pics to help with the diagnosis. Any help would be appreciated. Glad to supply any other information, just let me know. Thanks!
  5. RisingStock

    0 For 9!

    Damn this is frustrating! I've germinated seeds before, but that was quite a while ago, as I've jst been cloning. So I'm not a novice. If anything, I was TOO careful. Can't quite remember exactly how I did it last time, but no problems. THIS time however, I'm 'O' fer 9! Here's what I did...
  6. RisingStock

    Top 10 INDOOR cash crop--INPUT PLEASE

    The debate continues! I've spent the last couple weeks scouring the Internet for the best cash crop. Man, there is just such a fine selection these days, actually a bit overwhelming! I've managed to narrow it down to 10, and I'd love your feedback. (My preferences were short harvest time...
  7. RisingStock

    Best Strain for profit---WIN a prize!

    Was wondering if I could get some quality responses here. There was another thread with the same title, but the responses were crap (it's NOT as easy as just name your price---give the custez some credit...they are a 'bit' more discerning.) I've been selling for some time now, originally I...
  8. RisingStock

    PH problems

    Hi guys..... Suffering from nutrient lockout due to broken pH meter. (Damn Hanna meters)...SoG, DWC, bubble system. 1 set of 6 plants in bloom, 1 set of 3 as Moms. pH meter read 5.7, but can't POSSIBLY be correct. (I've ordered a new one)...
  9. RisingStock

    HELP!! Killed my plants? (meter related)

    Ok....ok...deep breaths, deep breaths... I'm not a newbie grower, but I only recently started using a meter, and I've never had so much trouble! Bought a pH & EC/TDS meter to test my water. I've never used one (always used the strips) and it's been confusing from the get-go. If you can...
  10. RisingStock

    SoG DWC Grow op

    I'm going to be keeping a photo journal of a new grow op I'm starting, based on Al B Fuct's SoG thread: First and foremost, thanks Al, we're in you're debt. I freely welcome all comments and critique's, anything...
  11. RisingStock

    Brown Trichomes but SMALL buds

    Hi guys (and gals) Some advice from those wiser (and more experienced) than I would be appreciated. Here's the details: I've got a hydro op going (I've run ops before, but never of this magnitude) 5 five gallon buckets Deep Water Culture (1 plant per bucket). 1 Strawberry cough, 2 Bubblegum, 2...
  12. RisingStock

    Over-fert hydro-please help!

    This is in relation to my previous post ('Look familiar?' with pics under 'Indoor Growing'): and directly relates to: Web Gallery Wizard™ (thanx 'xbravoz'---GREAT site), which is where I borrowed the attatched 2 pictures, as...
  13. RisingStock

    Over-fertilization question

    This is in relation to my previous post ('Look familiar?' with pics under 'Indoor Growing'): and directly relates to: Web Gallery Wizard™ (thanx 'xbravoz'---GREAT site), which is where I borrowed the...
  14. RisingStock

    Look familiar?

    Man....I sure could use some help. I've been all over the web trying to find out whats wrong with my plants. In a nutshell, the leaves are curling down. (See pics) As is often the case, the symptoms could be indicative of a variety of problems(I've seen lack of nitrogen, light too hot, dry...