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  1. allmyne69

    bugs in my room

    Help!!! My small grow has become infested (apparently overnight) by a small, brownish-greyish, grasshopper looking creature. They have consumed several leaves of my 14 day old plants. I have seen recipes for homemade insecticide using a diluted version of dish soap. 1 to 2 percent per...
  2. allmyne69

    little white flea looking sob

    What do i have? I was digging around a new seedling and found a small, white, flea-like creature in the soil. What kind of mite and will it affect my more advanced seedlings two weeks older. I removed the infested one. I'm using brand new soil fresh out of the bag. WTF! My room is clean...
  3. allmyne69

    Experienced AK48 Growers

    I need help. My wife has been telling me that for years but this time I really mean it. My first grow with AK48. I've no experience with this strain so I thought I'd take it easy and start with three plants. After two weeks I'm ready to throw in the towel. Two of the plants look the worse...
  4. allmyne69

    Adding new plants to grow in progress

    I currently have three AK48 that are nine days in soil. One looks great and the other two are much 'weaker' looking. Thanks for the kick in the balls mother nature. I'm worried I may only end up with one plant. I all ready know that I should have planned better. Another lesson learned. I...
  5. allmyne69

    In need of Opinions

    I just started my second grow. Cracked three AK-48 seeds and stuck them in the ground same day, same soil and under the same environmental conditions. PH 6.5, 20/4 lighting under 400w MH in addition to 3 200w CFLs with reflectors, three sides of my 'open style' grow box are mylar and the...
  6. allmyne69

    algae in water jug

    Hey I've been using the same gallon water jugs for about four months now. I usually fill a couple with tap water and then balance my ph to 6.5 and measure the tds of my tap water around 246 ( I don't know if that is good or bad or what to do about it). I noticed a light green algae growing...
  7. allmyne69

    smell associated with new MH bulb

    Hello everyone. I've just completed my first (trial) grow and am setting up for my second. I started my first grow and went all the way through with 400 watt HPS. Started with two seedlings grown from unknown strain. Pulled the boy at four days into flower and grew the female for eight...
  8. allmyne69

    leaves are turning not curling

    What is causing a select few of my leaves to turn like this? One leaf is near the top. The other two are about two thirds down. 400w hps about 17 inches above my girl and she's 32 days old and 17 inches tall. Using MG with six months continuous release 21-7-14. I water every 4 days. I was...
  9. allmyne69

    mh or hps

    Is it okay to grow from start to finish under hps? I have a 400 watt mh/hps interchangeable fixture and misunderstood which bulb was which. I was going for five weeks under mh and nine weeks under hps but messed up. I guess I learned something. Here she is at four weeks.
  10. allmyne69

    opinions on trimming and topping

    I've seen a lot of pics of plants with their lower limbs trimmed off. I've read a lot of opinions on the topping of plants and what about the trimming of fan leaves. What is the correct balance of all previous mentioned. What exactly is it that I'm looking for when it comes to shaping my...
  11. allmyne69

    how much wind is too much wind

    I'm curious and also because I rotate my plant and sometimes when I do (leaves) and sometimes the top of the plant wants to bend or lean away from my fan. She's 10 inches tall and under a 400w mh. She is three weeks old and under 18/6 cycle. Thanks for any ideas. My question is in my title I...
  12. allmyne69

    Ramp down or just go dark

    Quick question pertaining to lighting. Right now my plants are going 20/4 under 400w mh. Plant is two weeks old. The advice that I am seeking is do I begin ramping down number of light time say a couple of hours a week or do I just keep vegging and go abruptly 12/12 under hps at say 5 weeks...
  13. allmyne69

    Midwest veteran

    Hello everyone. I just wanted to say that I've posted a little in Newbie Central and have received a lot of help. Thanks to each and everyone of you who have helped me.
  14. allmyne69


    What is the best time for transplanting to a larger pot as far as the light cycle is concerned? Growing on a 20/4 right now. Seedling is eight days old. I'm in a one gallon and want to go to a five gallon. Growing in MG potting soil. Thanks for any suggestions.
  15. allmyne69

    Call her a Weed but her name is Annabell

    Yea, that's right, I named her. She's (all fingers are crossed because I honestly don't know her sex yet) looking strong after a scary incident where she was knocked over by my fans. One week old under a 400w MH, miracle grow potting soil, water ph 5.9. No nutruients for a while under the...
  16. allmyne69

    Look of the Leaf

    I don't know what green is suppose to look like but does my seedling at 2 1/2 inches tall at one week suppose to have this very distinctive straw colored spine down the middle. I mean it really stands out. The leaves are very dark green.
  17. allmyne69


    My grow closet is getting too hot I think. We are experiencing very hot temperatures and drought conditions outside. My closet is upstairs and the heat is bad. I don't use a cool tube. Just a couple of fans. I don't know what soil temp is but air temp at seedling level is 91 degrees. I'm...
  18. allmyne69

    Miracle Grow Confusion

    Okay. I wish I had started with FF Ocean Forest but I didn't. I used MG. Now I am confused about when I should fertilize. MG says it can feed for 6 months. I think it's 21-7-14. To feed or not to feed that is the question. I can get FF Grow Big and FF Ocean Forest at a local greenhouse...
  19. allmyne69


    Is 18-18-21 okay to use when vegging? I live in a REALLY small town and resources are few. If it is okay how often should I use it? My wife also has 18-24-16. I think it's like rose food. Maybe I'll order something better from the net. I hate paying shipping. The higher the nitrogen the...
  20. allmyne69

    unkown strain under 400w

    This is my first posting and kinda more or less my first grow. Right now I have a 400w MH/HPS in a small closet. I'm using Miracle Grow (I'll change that next time) potting soil and water with 5.9 ph. I'm in a small closet and am using a stationary fan to blow the heat out with the door...