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  1. T

    When should I start the fan?

    Hi all, I have a small grow ten with two pots. The auto seedlings are only about 5cm tall. When should I start the fan? Can I start it too soon in the grow cycle? Thanks TKM.
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    Growing under LED's and CFL's in same grow tent

    Hi all, For financial reasons I need to use a LED and CFL in the same grow tent as my lighting. I will be growing auto's, so will having two types of lighting stuff them up? Thanks. TKM.
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    Two auto strains in same grow tent

    Hi all, Can anyone tell me if I will have any problems if I grow two auto strains in same grow tent? One Northern Lights and one Super Skunk. Any thoughts? Thanks. TKM
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    Does the color of these trychs tell me anything?

    Hi all, This plant is growing under 135W Blackstar LED's. 13 weeks old, the plant is reletively short in stature. Been flowering for 6 weeks now. Looking at the buds and trych colours, can anyone give me a hint at how far I could be from harvest? I have no idea what to look out...
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    Correct light distance

    Hi all, I have two plants growing under a Blackstar 135w LED. Thankfully both girls are budding OK, well sort of. I reckon I am about 4 weeks from harvest, so I was wondering what is the best distance the lights should be from the plants? Also, which is the best way to tell if LED...
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    I give up! Boy or a girl?

    Hi all, I'm usually pretty good at identifying the sex of plants, but this one has me stuffed. This plant is small for a 12 week old plant, but it is done under Blackstar LED in a small grow area. For the life of me I can't work out the sex of this plant. It should have shown some...
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    Gender opinion?

    Sorry for the poor quality photo, but can a gender of this plant be determined from the photo I have attached? Thanks. TKM
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    I have two plants on the go at the moment. Both germinated the same way, planted in the same soil, all conditions exactly the same. Under Blackstar 135w LEDS. Watered every second day with nite nutes. Both in 3 gallon pots. Neither have shown signs of sex yet. However at Week 8 (two weeks...
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    Is it a good idea to remove large fan leaves?

    Hi all, I have a plant that is in a 3 gallon pot and doing quite well under 135W LED lights. Just flipped to 12/12 a week ago. My problem is that some pretty big fan leaves are emerging and they are preventing light getting to places on the plant where I need to get it to. I have done a...
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    Ready or not to move into flower

    Hi all - Have this plant at 7 weeks into veg stage. It is about 10" (25cm) high growing under a Blackstar 135W LED. Height and space are an issue for me and I think that if plants grow twice their height during flowering stage, I think I need to move this to flower ASAP. Is 7 weeks to early...
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    Using a fan during 12/12

    All - I have a grow about to start the flower cycle. Do I leave my fan running during the dark phases of the 12/12 light schedule? Given the restrictions of my grow space I would prefer not to, but I am hoping for some advice. Plant to this stage is very healthy with no problems thus far...
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    Trimming roots

    Hi all, I have a plant that is 4 weeks old growing under 135W of LED in a 5 gallon pot. The plant is healthy and strong. Looking at the pot I have discovered that the roots are starting to grow through the holes at the bottom of the pot. Is this a good or bad thing, and should I trim...
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    Seedling health check at 6 weeks

    Hi all, The attached photos are of my first grow. Seedlings are now 6 weeks since being planted from seeds of unknown origin. The medium is a mix of perlite/potting mix/compost. Lighting is 300w Blackstar LED on 24/24 about 8 inches from seedlings. Fan is on 12/12 for circulation. There...
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    First Time Small Grow Room Journal - Weeks 1 and 2

    Things going OK. Lights are on a 20/4 cycle and the germinated seeds have been transferred into seedling pots. I used expensive seedling soil as I thought that was my area of greatest risk. If I had to got expensive on something, that was it. Added some perlite to improve drainage. Note...
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    First Time Small Grow Room Journal - Germination Phase

    Despite buying some seeds from Bonza, I didn't want to waste those seeds on my first grow. You know, just in case I fuck it up. Got about 20 seeds from a friend who got them from the pot he was smoking. So the origins of these seeds I was about to plant was very much unknown. Germination I...
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    First Time Small Grow Room Journal - Preparation Phase

    Long time lurker here, so I thought it about time I contribute something. This is MY story of MY grow. I will make many mistakes, ignore most advice:-), but I will have fun. I have a few domestic restrictions which makes my grow project a little difficult. One is that I have an outdoors grow...