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  1. on the grind

    Coco & Canna advise

    I recently decided to make to switch from soil to coco. Im still somewhat new to growing so I bought a bag of canna coco, coco a&b,rhizotonic, cannazym, and canna boost accelerator. (Definatily a hard pill to swollow $ wise but gotta spent $ to make $.) I was planning on getting a little...
  2. on the grind

    In need of some Tent Vent. co2 advise

    So im growing in a 5x5 tent with a 1000watt hps, 330cfm extraction fan & carbon filter, 2 passive intakes with pantyhose to help reduce negative pressure and two oscilating fans moving air around in the tent. Recently i bought two of these exhale co2 bags, they seem to be helpin out but i dont...
  3. on the grind

    Advanced need of an experts opinion

    Alright so let me start off by saying i already know there is people that dont like advanced nutrients at all but on the other hand there is alot of people that love advanced nutrients... on that note ive been looking to switch up my nutrients and ive heard so much about advanced that I decided...