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  1. Dr Greenthumb22

    roll it up phone app!

    We should bring back the roll it up iPhone app!
  2. Dr Greenthumb22

    New to RIU but been around the block

    Whats up guys? Im sorta new to rollitup. I've migrated here from a similar forum. I feel that riu is a larger community of experienced growers and smokers alike. I like the positive vibe here and feel like this will be a good place for a new home. A little backround info about myself, Im in my...
  3. Dr Greenthumb22

    Help!! Ucrdwc pump broke!!

    What's up rollitup? Tonight when I went into my grow room something wasn't right. My 1200gph water pump broke! I'm not able to get one until Monday. Will the plants be ok if I keep water in them until I'm able to replace it first thing Monday?
  4. Dr Greenthumb22

    What A.N Nutes are really needed for UCRDWC?

    Hey guys, I've been growing for years in dwc/ucrdwc. I've always used Advanced nutes with great success. Its just getting costly. After this grow I think im going to try house and garden and see if I can cut cost while maintaining production. My question to all ucrdwc and dwc growers is what A.N...
  5. Dr Greenthumb22

    OG Raskal Wifi?

    What's up RIU? Does anyone know of any seed banks that have Wifi in stock still? I've looked everywhere for hours. Or do you know when he'll be dropping seeds? I have a wifi alien and it's a beast! I thought it was forsure a male because it grew with such vigor. Deff a keeper! Happy smoking :)
  6. Dr Greenthumb22

    Is it possible for scrog to reduce yeild?

    What' up RIU? I have a question for experienced scroggers. Is it possible for a scrog to reduce or hinder yield if it was placed above the canopy 1 week prior to flowering? I know that ideally you want it around 18" above the base of the stem and to let the plants form a canopy before you induce...