Search results

  1. iNDoorGrowBro

    Is this where Trichomes come from...? PiCS

    Hi guys, I'm a first time grower. I was hoping for some input on these pics. Pic02 is the same as the first, but closer in... are these ares where more trichomes could pop up? Any comments/suggestions welcome.. Thanks in advance! My Grow Specs: Grown from seed. Unknown strains, but some have a...
  2. iNDoorGrowBro

    Could this be bad GENES?

    Hello guys (and gals). My concern is for one of my seedlings. PiCS show deformed, almost non-existent growth on the first, lower pair of leaves only (none detected on any new growth, as of yet) Could this just be bad genetics? OR maybe stress? None of my other seedlings have displayed this...