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  1. 4whirledpeas

    Flowering help??....

    Here’s the deal, I am on my third grow, my first one turned out ok, and the second was terrible, both times I am pretty sure I did not leave my plants in flower long enough. Basically I got greedy the first time and chopped it down, and the second, after doing some research, I am pretty sure...
  2. 4whirledpeas

    Fish water drops!??

    Im not sure where I heard this but I did hear it somewhere...that you can use the product to purify your fishes water in the water your use on your plant. Does anyone know if this works??! This person didnt state whether it helped the ph or just the plants in general but i want to know if theres...
  3. 4whirledpeas

    New plants: not working?! nuet burn or water prob?? maybe...

    I know this is long so just stick with me for a sec.... So a little background first: found these seeds and decided what the fuck...needed a new hobbie :joint: ( : look at the pics for how i set it up. This is in a small bathroom with 80 temp and window for venting. Ive been doing alot of...