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  1. R

    Is she ready?

    I lost count of the days, so I need to go on color & looks. What I am seeing is lots more reddish pistols than white and it seamed to have stopped or slowed to a crawl. Is it still bulking up and needs a little more time? Many thanks! -Reel
  2. R

    Found Hermies 5 wks into flower, help

    So i have a soil based closet grow ( 2-4 at a time) so I thought by removing the hermies i would be ok, but apparently NOT. I had put two new in to flower after the others had been in there 4 wks. so they were in the same enviro for 1 week. Now the two new ones are showing pollen sacks at the...
  3. R

    I got a hermie....week 7 into flower i noticed the change

    So after finding a RED light on the power strip was not covered I realized I may have light stressed my little girl into a HERMIE. I check on here daily and at week 7 I noticed the change even tho it probably happened earlier. I believe there are some good buds here to be had as I have dried one...
  4. R

    Gut bugs, noticed after harvest. Can i freeze them dead

    yes the little white/opaque ones. can I freeze them so they die and then begin drying? I read to put them in water? PLEASE HELP, I JUST HARVESTED AN HOUR AGO.
  5. R

    Help..just harvested and noticed bugs

    At first I thought it was Trichomes and then snapped a pic and zoomed in only to my horror to see these tiny little white things crawling around. The white ones resemble the shape of a piece of rice, what are they and what can i do now that i did not catch them pre harvest. They are on every...
  6. R

    Taking outdoor plants inside out of Florida HEAT. they r in wk 8 of flower cycle

    Need to go on vacation for ten days but my girl, ONLY 1 plant, needs a few more weeks, will be ok with no pollen to grab from the air? Also what is the best way to ensure they will not run out of water during that time. This baby is used to 90-100 degree temps and will now be in 70 degree temps...
  7. R

    Will my outside flowering plant be ok inside for the last 2 wks before harvest?

    going on vacation for 10 days. My plants have been outside in FLORIDA HEAT for the last few months, one is about ready to harvest the other is ready to start the flowering. they will both be going inside during my vacation.......So how will they do going from outside in the FLORIDA HEAT & SUN to...
  8. R

    Week 11 starting to turn colors, problem is a vacation at time of harvest, what to do

    White hairs are turning colors, not a lot but starting to change to yellow/red/brown at base. anyway I plan to harvest next Thursday, 8-9-12 but then I will be gone for the next 10 days on vacation. what can i do to ensure they will not be all dried up when I return? Can I do one final fluch a...
  9. R

    Help she is drooping

    I have an issue that i will attempt to describe. Plants is 4'tall, is flowering for 3 weeks now. B/C we were expecting an entire week of no sun i decided to get a few lights, (2)2700K and bring it inside( 4days) and continue my 12/12. I included a fan and the temp was a nice cool inside 78ish...