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  1. L

    Help me identify this bug please

    I have these bugs all over my plants, I've been searching info with no success... are they harmful? thanks.
  2. L

    Do hermies produce less THC?

    I was wandering, 'cause I'm smoking one right now, and it tastes quite good so far. :peace:
  3. L

    harvest time?

    Hi, How long do you think I should wait? I don't have a microscope and I'm not planning in getting one anytime soon. Thanks for the advice,
  4. L

    Dude looks like a lady

    Hi, Is this a hermaphrodite? another shot, What should I do? If I cut all the balls daily will it be enough? Thanks Leo.
  5. L

    A question for a trained eye ;)

    Hi, could you please tell me if these are boys or girls? This is plant Number 1: and this is number 2: Sorry for the quality, I did them in a rush. Thanks for reading. Leo
  6. L

    dying plants. advice please!

    My plants leaves started to curl down yesterday and they don't seem to recover! (I'll attach a pic) I'm quite sure they are not overwatered, (the moist meter marks 4) the ph of the soil is 7 and I lowered the ph of the water down to 7 as well. I added a light nute only once (a week ago, 1/4...
  7. L

    Another newbie asking for advice.

    Hi all, First post here, I have to say I'm happy I found this forum, I'm learning a lot.:mrgreen: I decided to grow some Cannabis mainly for the fun of it, i bought some nice dutch seeds, planted 6 of them, and now I'm the proud parent of six 1-week-old lil things (6 of 6, I was really...