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  1. T

    Lollipopping advice

    My light is only 150w hps, so the penetration isny great. My first to grows were 3 smaller plants, but i felt like a change do this time i just have one larger plant. I lollipopped it some already but as you can see in the picture light still hardly reachs the lower folige. Should I lollipop her...
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    Issues becoming rootbound.

    So, I'm wrapping up my 2nd grow. Both have been plague with issues that I couldn't nail down. I've recieved all sorts of diagnosis, and tried to fix them, but they never seem to be the right issue. Now that I'm ph'ing my water, and fertilizing more carefully, and still having the same...
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    Thought it was N, now Im thinking Mn.

    I've been having yellowing, and of course my first thought was Nitrogen. But after some reading I'm starting to think Mn. I'm thinking this because the uneven yellowing(notice some parts are more yellow than other) which is characteristic of all the effective leaves. Also the green veins in the...
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    Bottom most leaves limp as a noodle?

    My plants looked perfectly healthy last night. I just check them today and the bottom most leaves on one of the ladies are limp as a noodle. The whole plant is green, even the leaves that are limp are a perfect green color, and seem fine in every way except theyre limp today for some reason...
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    Do you grow anything else in you grow room?

    I know a lot people dont have extra space, or light to spare. But do any of your grow anything else in your grow room? I'm kinda of looking for ideas for a plant thats cool looking/fun to grow that I could put in my grow room that doesnt require strong light.
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    2nd grow, first journal.

    I had a plant last go round that seemed stunted and wasnt keeping up, so I took it out and kept it under a cfl as a mother. I just butchered it and made six clones. Here they are under my 150w hps. Cloned them right into soil, been giving them only the light that comes in threw the open closet...
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    The previous tenants cat

    I recently moved into a new place. It seems the previous tenant abandoned his/her cat when they moved. I have a small flowering room that I keep stocked by propagating clones. It seems the cats favorite place to sleep is by the mother, even though its under 24/0. That must mean he's a BA cat.
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    Effectiveness of nutes?

    So I'm growing under a 150w sunsystem hps. im like 4 weeks in an the best plant has a main cola about 8-9 inches long. I've just been using general MG nutes in facet water, not even ph'd. The plants look perfectly healthy, theyre a deep green with no discolorations. I see these crazy pics in the...
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    whatcha think?

    So this is my current grow, trying to do a tini perpetual grow under a 150w hps. take a look at the pics and tell me what you think. They are all clones, so alot of them had presex pistols at nodes junctions, but the first hairs from flowering came nine days before these pictures were taken. I...
  10. T

    Can anyone confirm this as K Def?

    I have two plants grown identically(except one was topped 2 times instead of once). Same pots, soil, water, feedings etc One seems to be doing great, the other is progressively yellowing. The yellowing to me most resembles the K deficiency pictures from the sticky. Anyone agree with that...
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    Seems to be getting worse! Feed more or less? HALP

    I only feed every 3 waterings, its seed starting MG soil so it barely has its own. The two plants are in identical pots soil and are fed and watered at the same times. One, outside a few slightly brown tips is lush and green, the other is get necrotic patches that curl some leaves and a rusting...
  12. T

    Stoked! 2 girls on first attempt :D

    So i grew two bagseeds, and 10 days ago switched to 12-12. Guess this means I win? 2 for 2. Needless to say im quite pleased, and enthusiastic. Any opinions on the uniform yellowing of the leaves? Nute burn? I feel like I hardly ever feed. Feed more? Feed less? Don't do anything different?
  13. T

    Foliar feeding question

    So I was out of town for a few days and left my girlfriend in charge of the babies for a few days, which basically consisted of her watering them once with plain water. When I got back the lowest leaf on one was brown and crispy, the set just above the brown one was yellow as in the picture, and...
  14. T

    Quick 2 questions.

    1. Cupping/canoeing of the leaves is underwatering/heat stress right? 2. what are the pistol-esque v-shaped (pointed at by the arrow)structures that grow ninety degrees from branches on the main stem? I've noticed them for some time and always been curious what they are, or what there purpose...
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    Slow growth problem

    My plants are very small for their age, only about 7 inches at over 3 weeks old. They are very green and healthy looking but growth is veryyyyy slow. Today i went out and got some ph strips, based the color bar my tap water is about 6.2.. I believe the ideal for soil is 6.5. Im going to ph my...
  16. T

    Sorta weird?

    So I took my plants outside because it was a very sunny day, and to save some kwhr's. It was about to storm later so I went out to get them and notices that oddly one of the top leaves on the plant that I topped yesterday was pointing straight up. Whats that about?
  17. T

    My learn the basics attempt, take 1.

    So I just moved in my first place on my own, just me and my ole lady. I've always wanted to grow for personal use so I grabbed 3 bagseeds before leaving town, and on arrival paper towel'd em. 2 of the three germ'd surprisingly quick(well surprising to me, I was still unpacking and was totally...