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    when to put into flower??????????

    hi roll it up family just looking for more info on when to put my plants into flower i have a few ways myself but i am curious what other growers do all and any comments welcome :)
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    changin nues

    hi,have started some plants which r now 3 week from seed and am using house n garden nutes in a bout a week i will be giving 2 of my 6 plants to a friend he is going to be using canna nutes will this damage the plants any advice welcome please :-?
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    kerala skunk#1

    hi got a kerala skunk#1 seedling and trying to find out how long i should veg n flower for i know its mainly a sativa plant but cant find much else on it help please rollitup family
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    tiny white jumping bugs

    hi today i have just noticed these tiny white quick moving jumping bugs no bigger than a millimetre in size on my pot tray when i moved my plant,checked the leaves and stems and have moved top soil and cant see any there are no flies or webs any ideas of what they are and what i can do to get...
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    tiny white jumping bugs

    hi today i have just noticed these tiny white quick moving jumping bugs no bigger than a millimetre in size on my pot tray when i moved my plant not seen them before. checked my plants leaves n stems,moved top soil and no sign of them any ideas what i should do...
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    8 week from seed

    well its been 8 week from seed and i putting in to flower my bianca n grand daddy purple have already pre flowered well buzzin here some pics
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    my second try!!!!!!!!!!

    hi just postin some pics of my new plants only my second time growing in a tent my first ended in seeds seeds n more seeds as i stressed it 4 weeks into flowering i have a bianca,grandaddy purple and dont know what the other is as i got free seeds when bought my bian all comments good or bad...
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    hi,stressed out my plant big time 4 n half weeks into flower my own fault was at festivals n my feeder system over fed her everything was going brilliant till then i am now 5 days from flush and have seeds in the buds will the seeds be ok to use or will they just give hermies advice please thanks
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    pk 13/14

    hi,a couple of weeks off using pk and was wondering do i start with full strength or half or less comments please thank you
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    hi,my plant which has been in flower for nearly 4 weeks has male pollen sacks growing in some buds should i kill and start again or continue through till harvest its my own fault i think i stressed it to much been at festivals past 2 weeks and been using a timed feeding system i set up plus it...
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    how long to flower sativa

    hi been told my plant is a sativa and was wondering how long i should flower her for,she is 4 days into flowering first time growin so need all the advice i can get:shock::leaf:
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    tied my plant down

    hi just tied my plant down as was getting to big have i done it right and how long do i keep it tied down got pics comments please
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    tips on cloninig

    just topped n trimmed my plant as was getting to big, i planted the cuttings just like i watched on youtube and they all died,i used a coco-perlite mix,rooting gel and a 125w cfl first time i tried cloning please help:sad:
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    too tall n ready to flower

    hi i a newbie grower and need advice:shock: my plants to tall n ready to flower can i top it,if yes, how long til i can switch to 12/12 or can i switch straight away greatfull of any advice