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  1. crashdevil

    G 13 Labs, curious

    Hey guys i was wondering if anybody has grown the strains midnight kush and blue venom from g 13 labs they look and sound promising but im curious if anybody has first hand experience. ............. (blue venom left, midnight kush right) i would be ordering from
  2. crashdevil

    This ever happen to you?

    So i have this little auto blue mammoth that got a little stunted when it was younger and has taken longer to get ready for harvest, i thought the trichs where looking pretty good, and its right now 43 days old and i just put it into 2 days of night and it pushed out white pistils and new growth...
  3. crashdevil

    Boo's Boo's

    Anybody else ever make little "booboo's" like this? This happened 2 days ago when made a bit more tension to lst (preparing it for scrog topping and lst ) this is a bubblegummer strain and she is just coming up to be 2 months in veg, im giving her time to recover from this boo boo and let the...
  4. crashdevil

    grow rooms intake and exhaust.

    So i was just wanting to know if its normal for the grow room (made by wood frame and 'panda plastic' 90'' H, 90'' L 52'' W ) The fan with cover 165 cfm, and i have 4 intake vent 2 with small cheap fans blowing in but its still sucking the walls in a fair bit, is it normal for it? i just dont...
  5. crashdevil

    This Fan ?!?

    Hey everyone so i saw this on amazon and i was wondering if this would be a better fan to buy than inline fan its considered an inline booster fan, 100 cfm 35$ Good idea?
  6. crashdevil

    BEST Lighting for flower,

    Hey guys so i was just wondering if i could get some input from what lighting you use for your flower rooms, and what would be my best decision for my flower room i cant remember the measurements right now but its a large enough room where i can fit about 6 plants comfortably, it is also from...
  7. crashdevil

    Auto blue mammoth in flower bud leaves looking bad

    so this plant has been in flower for a couple weeks now, and recently the top bud's leaves began looking like the light isnt close enough to be burning it, as far as it appears and feels, and its been over a week since i gave her any nutes, just water recently. all help appreciated
  8. crashdevil

    without a 30x scope or anything how can i indicate when the best time to harvest is

    i have an auto blue mystic and she has been in flower for a while now, i tried to determine the trichomes but its hard to tell without a scope. Any other indications i can look for to know when to harvest?
  9. crashdevil

    topping for scrog when plant is young?

    Hey guys i was just wondering, i plan on using the screen of green method on one of my "bubblegummer" plants and i was wondering is it a good idea to top the plant young to get 2 main shoots, so the plant can evenly stretch along the left and right side of the "screen"? i feel like without doing...
  10. crashdevil

    is my plant suffering from some nute deficiency

    Hey everyone was hoping i could just get some input on my plant here, i have 2 big bangs growing atm, and i have noticed some of the leaves near the bottom have become brittle and discolored. also they are currently growing in ProMix HP soil and gets a nute feeding of grow tec grow formula...
  11. crashdevil

    Help: Seeds wont sprout after germination.

    So i could use some help here, this is my first grow, i germinated some exodus kush, bubble kush, and one called bubble gummer, however once they germinated (paper towel method [ to the point of small white root tip] ) i planted them in peat pucks, its been about 2 weeks to 3, and they still...