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  1. W

    Buy seeds before a major holiday!

    Hey everyone. I just had one of those amazing brainstorms while lighting up a bowl with my buddy the other day and I actually wrote it down for once! Anyways, let's say you live in the largest police state known to man (the good ol' U S of A), and you are concerned about your seeds getting...
  2. W

    Need some advice on lighting my first cabinet

    Hello everyone, I've been growing outdoors off and on for about 5 years now, its a pain in the @$% to drive 15 minutes away just to maintain my plants every week or two so I want to start indoor growing. I have some experience from wood shop (took carpentry at a technical high school) so I...
  3. W

    Need some advice on lighting my first indoor stealth box

    pls delete this post wrong forum