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  1. W

    Growth spurts - Need some advice!

    So it's my first grow as any regular on this forum has probably figured out due to the large amounts of help me posts I have made. I started flowering my plants on the weekend and they have grown a ridiculous amount and are now touching and overlapping. One side of one of my plants is drooping...
  2. W

    The Mother Questions

    Hello folks, So right now I am about 4 weeks into my first ever grow! Here are 2 pics for you: Now I know they're maybe not perfect specimens but this has been a learning experience. They are Domina Star for those that are interested, I have never smoke it myself but have only heard great...
  3. W

    Help with Leaves

    Hi I am looking for some help diagnosing this leaves. Sorry I know I have posted these elsewhere but still trying to find an answer. The first three are examples of the problems leaves on one of my plants. The last is to show you how my healthy ones look. They are Domina Star plants...
  4. W

    Are these leaves ok?

    Hi Guys a bit concerned about these leaves? Are these ok? Any suggestions if not? It's only one of my plants but not the rest. The first 3 are of the "problem" plant and the last is to show a leaf off one of my "healthy" plants
  5. W

    A dumb light question

    My plants seem to be doing pretty well. One question and it's a dumb one. When do I move my light up? Is it only when my plants are getting closer to it? I know how to tell they're too close but do I just wait till they're starting to get too close and then move it up? Any other reasons I...
  6. W

    Anyone used an Ona Breeze?

    Hey folks I'm thinking of getting the Ona Breeze. Anyone used one? Can some recommend them? Or any other odour control systems for that matter. I have a carbon filter already but my parents are coming to visit this month and I'd like to ensure it's completely smell proof
  7. W

    How are my plants looking!!! I know there are some issues... should i worry (Pics)

    I sometimes fall folly to over analysing. Currently I think they might be getting to much nitrogen as I read somewhere if leaves grow in darker this could be the case. Also some of the leaves are curling down. I read this could be the cause of a ph imbalance which shouldn't be the case...
  8. W

    NFT - PH Imbalance

    If i had a ph imbalance in my water for 24hr should have been 5.5 - 6 but was actually 6 -7 and have now corrected it do I need to flush my plants?? They are showing slight signs of a ph imbalance. and yes i have now invested in a ph meter (didn't have one before hence the problem) can...
  9. W

    NFT System - Question about Roots

    Hi I transferred my plants into NFT last night. Looking at pictures online it would seem I may have dones this slightly prematurely. As I don't want to drown my roots I've put the pump on a timer for 30 mins on and then 7.5hrs off. Will this work to not drown them? I'm just being cautious but...
  10. W

    Diagnosis Required - Pics Provided

    Hey folks so I seem to be on here every second day with an issue. Probably should have stuck to soil and not jumped in at hydro but hey ho live and learn, there's no going back for me now. Damn my stupidity but you've got to make mistake to learn. So I'm having an issue with one of my...
  11. W

    White Salty Substance on Leaves?

    And no I haven't been getting "to attached" to my plants!! I have what would appear to be a whitish salt looking substance on my leaves. Would appear to disappear when I spray water on them and then when the water drys out it will be in the same place. Any ideas what this might be? Thought...
  12. W

    What's wrong here (PICS)

    Hey guys, I was having heat problems and I think it has caused my leaves to curl but just wanted to be absolutely certain. Can anyone tell me what's the issue here?
  13. W

    Help Needed!

    Hi guys, Need some help. Having problems controlling temperatures in my tent as I just switched on my dual spectrum HPS. I didn't have the funds for multiple bulbs so had to go for that apart from I used a 125w cfl. Still seedlings but the school of thought I have read seems to be more...
  14. W

    Is this a dumbass idea?

    Right my original intention was to use bungie cords to hang my carbon filter in my tent. Now I'm having major problems with these because I don't have ones that are the right length. When thinking about it 2 ideas came to me. 1. Buy better bungie cords. 2. Hang a net at the top of my tent...
  15. W

    Newbie Taproot in Rockwool Question, General Hello, Friendly advice invited!!

    Hello people, First of all hi how are you? Hope your all great! It's friday as I write this so finally got my feet up. I'm new, both to the forum and this wonderful hobbie of growing. My seedlings are barely 2" high and I'm having more fun than I've had in ages!! I have done my homework and...