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  1. C

    Female pollen from a feminized plant

    Hi. Gonna attempt making feminized seeds using colloidal silver. Is it OK to use this technique on a feminized plant to get the pollen, or is it only advisable to force regular females to grow them nut sacks?
  2. C

    Sea Of Seeds website

    Been trying to log in since yesterday morning and can't get on. Anybody know what's happening with it? Is it me or is it down or whatever?
  3. C

    12/12 before preflowers

    Hi all. I put my plants on 12/12 but there wasn't any preflowers, there are just a few starting to show now but they haven't stretched much and I was hoping to have them spread out to fill my grow space. I'm worried now that they won't fill out. I've tied the top of the main stems down and been...
  4. C

    new non noob

    Hi all. Just registered to this site as my usual one didn't have what I was looking for so I thought I'd have a look around. Seems pretty good although a bit more complicated (maybe that's because it's unfamiliar). I hail from the Great United English Kingdom of Britainshire, & as you may or may...