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  1. I

    First Sprout!

    So about a month and a half ago i must have gotten really high and put a seed in this planter box outside my bedroom window. Well i forgot about it until today when i decided to take a look and what do u know it is growing! It is about 6 inches high, i can't tell whether or not it is a male or...
  2. I

    Post pics of your bowl/pipes/bongs etc

    As the thread title states. I'll start This is my primary piece. I like it, has a little thing on top if i want to make a neclace out of it. Nickname "Blue Boomer" Piece #2 Your standard straight hitter. Shaped like a mushroom. This was given to me by a friend who used to smoke, but...
  3. I

    Largest amount smoked in a single sitting>

    I'm kind of a n00b on this board, but iwas just wondering what the largest amount of ganja you guys have smoked in a single sitting? For me and 4 other friends hot boxed the shit out of my buddies cadillac. For 3 hours we sat in there smoking a 16 gram blunt of some dank off nug. All i know...
  4. I

    First time Grower

    Hi there everyone. This is my first post on this board. About a week ago i started growing for the first time. I took advice from friends and began to germinate the seeds using a damp paper towel. Since i put the 10 seeds i got into the dampended paper towel around half of them have already...