Search results

  1. christinedamelio

    when can i expect to see pistils?

    Hey everyone! I looked around some but Im looking for someone who can tell me when I can expect to determine the sex of my plants. I know what to look for but im just not sure wen i can expect to see something start to happen. they are in pots outdoors and coming up on 5 nodes now. will they...
  2. christinedamelio

    little white bugs?

    please help! i have noticed little white bugs that fly hanging out on my babies! they build cotton-like stuff if left alone. i try to get the stuff off, and it does come off but i kno this cant be good. my last crop was indoor and started to get this toward the end! they are only about 4 weeks...
  3. christinedamelio

    Its Been Awhile

    Hello fellow growers- Its been awhile since I last posted or visited. I postedpics of my first grow ever some time ago. It was alot of fun watching them grow. I used CFL's and they did flower,but definatley could have used more light. ANYWAY- ANYONE FROM NJ? Good idea or not its worth a shot...
  4. christinedamelio

    waiting 4 amber

    hey guys- havent posted in girls are 8 weeks now and i still dont see any amber trics. they are definately milky. anyone know how long from milky to amber? i know e/ones different but approx. like i said they were 8 weeks yesterday and so far so good-but if anyone can tell me at how...
  5. christinedamelio

    ready? pics

    anyone tell if shes about ready? i see the pistils have turned brown but i only see a few amber trics. are they supposed to be 80% browm? can someone remind me of the ratio. ex..... clear milky amber-what % each. any opinions welcome. they are 7 weeks tomorrow. let her go till 8?
  6. christinedamelio

    ready? pics

    this was the smallest plant i had. i know the pistils are turning brown but i cant tell about the tricomes just yet.she 2 days shy of 7 weeks. i know the trics are supposed to be amber but can someone tell me the %. is it 1/2 milky 80 % amber? also the pistils should be 80%brown? is that right...
  7. christinedamelio

    Pic:plz read

    Is there any part of the plant that you can catch a nice buzz off of before harvest time? The reason I ask is that I am a little over 2 weeks into harvest and i had to cut a plant back. I know I shouldnt but had no choice. Are the top flowers that were forming buds full of thc? I read that they...
  8. christinedamelio

    fewer big buds vs more smaller buds

    the first 2 pics are my smaller plants w/direct overhead light. And this is just a closeup of one of my flowers. I thought about the whole thing and i figure that as long as i keep the smaller two where they are everything should be fine- some is just growing faster than others.Im running...
  9. christinedamelio


    Hey fellow growers- im wondering what the pink and green lines in the upper right hand corner of the posts are. one says activity and the other says points. also when you go to "my roll it up" at the very bottom there is a post box the says "latest reputation" what does that mean? and those tiny...
  10. christinedamelio

    what are fan leaves?

    can someone please tell me what fan leaves are? water leaves? thanks.any reason why halogen lights cant be used- i saw a halogen that emits 10,500 lumens. thanks
  11. christinedamelio

    Halogen Light?

    I saw a halogen light that emits 10,500 lumens-is there a reason why halogen lights cant be used? also- ive got 10, 100 watt cfls and 2, 725 lumen flourescent lights- is there any reason this wont be sufficient to flower? changing lights isnt an option now- my plants are going into their second...
  12. christinedamelio

    ready to flower

    These seeds were planted in late april. I didnt germinate them-just planted in seedling tray using soil. Left them outside for a couple weeks ang let them grow. after about 3 weeks I transplanted them into slightly bigger pots. let them grow under 4 cfls. I had to put on 12/2 for what ended up...
  13. christinedamelio

    not 1 person can help?

    Not 1 person can help me out w/ a little advie about nutrients? thanks alot guys-Guess ill have to look elewhere.
  14. christinedamelio

    need nute advice asap

    Im hoping some of you more exp. growers can help me out. I just transplanted my girls into their final pots. I took them off the 12/12 sched as soon as i learned their sex. Now that they are going to be vegging a bit longer, I really need some help w/a nutrient regimin- ive read the faqs, but i...
  15. christinedamelio

    fertilizer help please

    Im going to switch my plants back over to an 18/6 schedule. they have just began to show sex after about 16 days. my question is , shoud i just let the light go off after 18 hours the first day back to veg? or do I leave them in complete dark for a certain period of time? my next very important...
  16. christinedamelio


    :hump:The first pic is my first female. the one in the red pot is so far the only male ot of 10. hes gone. the other 2 are what my plants look like today- they were planted at the end of april. the last 2 pics were just after they were transplanted from tiny ass pots- they were really hurting-...
  17. christinedamelio

    Please Send Feedback!

    i have epsom salt, fish emulsion, hydrogen peroxide,miricle grow and bloom booster. can someone PLEASE help me out w/a simple nute receipe? ive reag all the faqs and its kinda hard to understand. whats the conversion for ppm to tablespoons? and im watering my plants w a gallon resivour. i dont...
  18. christinedamelio

    nothing after 9 days-normal?

    I started the floweing process 9 days ago. I dont see any signs yet of any sex whatsoever! Ive read it takes 2 weeks but im just wondering if its 2 weeks before they show any sign at all? could it possibly just be taking longer? they are on a 12/ 12 cycle w/no problem-plants are healthy...
  19. christinedamelio

    specific nutrients!

    I read the faq regarding nutes but its still hard to understand. anyone got a specific regimin they use? how do i know if my plant needs them? they seem to be doing just fine w/nothing but if they could be better i want them to be the best they can. i have bloom booster for the flowering but do...
  20. christinedamelio

    exactly wat are nutes?

    i know theyre nutrients but im not exacyly sure what theyre called. i have something from miracle grow called all-purpose fertilizer- is that a nute? i also bought something frm miricle grow called bloom booster- which i think is just for flowering? i put my plants in 12/12 yesterday just...