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  1. cheeseysynapse

    Give it Up for Michael Phelps!

    Hittin da BONG! Fuck the media! What a bunch of buzzards.
  2. cheeseysynapse

    Even Aliens Went To The Inauguration!?

    This is the raw clip from CNN's coverage. About a few seconds in something zips across the mall.
  3. cheeseysynapse


    Sam Spiegel (Squeak E. Clean) and Ze Gonzales (DJ Zegon) (North America/South America....aka NASA) Damn..These boys got the hook-up...David Bryne, Kayne, Mia, Chuck name a few. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie"...
  4. cheeseysynapse

    Bob Pisani on CNBC.........WE NEED A BONG BREAK!

    Lamenting the market slide today........Holy shit that was funny. OMG....Then he was raggin on Trish Regan - the host of the Marijuana doc last night - "which part of the plant do you smoke?" Oh shit.....Some of the trader blogs will probably put it up on youtube sometime this weekend.
  5. cheeseysynapse

    Guided By Voices - 3.30.95 Hoboken NJ - Free download!

    Fuck you you fucking shits that don't know this shit! Sorry, but I'm just so fucking stoked I found this! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! For all the "old farts" that grew up on this me...........I give you via the aquarium drunkard blog -...
  6. cheeseysynapse

    Sweet Aero Tut:

    Yes, I'm basically carpet bombing the forums here with this vid, because I like it a lot. This will be the last room I post it in. I put it in newbie central and the free video thread. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie"...
  7. cheeseysynapse

    Sweet Aero & Fogger Video Tut....

    Found this on youtube today.....Good info for those of us who have to have it spelled out. Aero tut: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param...
  8. cheeseysynapse


    "President-elect Barack Obama's nominee for attorney general has endorsed an extension of the law that allows federal agents to demand Americans' library and bookstore records as part of terrorism probes, dismaying a national group of independent booksellers."...
  9. cheeseysynapse

    Buy a house.........get a permanent Green Card!!!!!!!

    On the surface, it appears to be legit...... But, this is from a Bulgarian news source. However, I doubt that American news sources or policy makers want this to get out. One story, from Bulgaria doesn't quite cut it for me. But, it certainly is plausible...
  10. cheeseysynapse

    Firefox/Connection help.......please?!

    Ok. I've been using chrome for a while now - its ok, they need to hurry TFU with some add-ons though. I used to connect with a sprint mobile broadband card - which are awesome if your lucky enough to live in the coverage area. Not quite quick enough for downloading torrents though...
  11. cheeseysynapse

    Mexico on the verge of Collapse?

    That's the latest from the U.S. joint forces command. And if you look at the peso. here -^USDMXN&data=A&jav=adv&vol=Y&divd=Y&evnt=adv&grid=Y&code=BSTK&org=stk&fix=
  12. cheeseysynapse

    Marijuana Busts from the last few days...

    Ok. Not all are busts. But the rest are. mailing bud? baby contact buzz - grow op busts -...
  13. cheeseysynapse

    Divisional playoff thread

    I'm watchin the games, tokin, washin it down with some oat sodas. As you can see, don't really have a dog in this fight on now (Titans vs. Raves), my game is next. But, I don't wanna play anyone from the AFC....this is really wide open. So, if your watchin the game, or tokin up, or...
  14. cheeseysynapse

    Take that Johnny Depp!

    Well, the Saudis finally caved. Got to hand it to the Pirates...They're reasonable - took their ransom down to $3 mil. Pretty smart too....The money was parachuted in! Story -...
  15. cheeseysynapse

    Any Deists?

    I can see how god created the universe. Set the laws of nature, etc....What I can't see, is him/her "getting involved in our affairs." To me, if your omnipotent enough to create this great place, why would you be surprised by our actions? A reason I believe in a God. I love the...
  16. cheeseysynapse

    Photoshop Thread!

    I love graphic arts. And I suck at photoshop. I've had it for about 3 months, and have no business having it. I just think its fucking fun as hell. I love fucking with portraits - as you can see by my avatar, and I love posterizing them, as you can tell. Anyway - here's one of Barry I...
  17. cheeseysynapse

    Bill Richardson.........

    Why is this not news?
  18. cheeseysynapse


    I'll admit, at first, I really didn't see the utility. But, now...........I think this could become one of the most important web apps in a long, long time. This could really change how we get our news. I can also see how new products/apps will HAVE to have a following on twitter. Web...
  19. cheeseysynapse

    Marijuana Inc. - CNBC Jan 22

    Please be advised.............