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  1. asscore

    Grow Room Porn

    Thought I would post some pics of my setup. This is a legal MMJ grow in Colorado. Main Brain Box - on the very upper right you can see the control panel Flop Flops and contactors Ballasts, and in upper left is the control panel again Believe it or not there is only 24 plants in a room under...
  2. asscore

    Getting Electrocuted...

    Just discovered an odd problem that I haven't run into before. Was checking on my stuff, and to guage the heat of the hood I reached out and put my hand on it... And I felt a strange sensation - at seemingly random intervals I get a minor shock (it feels kinda like a carpet shock). It...
  3. asscore

    Anyone here ever try SSH outdoors?

    My main question is will it finish at my lattitude (North America - around 43°) Does this strain finish outdoors in holland? If so I got no worries.
  4. asscore

    Yellowing Problem 5 weeks into Flowering

    Hi - This is my first post here, and I haven't been active on any boards since overgrow went down. I'm an old-timer and dont usually need to ask for advice, but have been having some problems lately and figured maybee one of you guys has a good idea whats going on. Background on the...