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  1. A

    Clones Recovering - Nutrient Deficiencies Present? [PICS]

    A few weeks ago I had some serious problems with a pythium infection in DWC... I ended up pulling my plants. I chopped off all of the roots and I chopped them up into several pieces and treated them like cloned cuttings, most of which survived. The ones that didn't were simply cut in places...
  2. A

    Root Emergency - PLEASE ADVISE

    First time grower. DWC - 5 Gallons Bucket Per Plant 1 air stone (7.8L) 2 outputs ---> T-splitters ----> 3 x 6" air stones Bubbles vigorous and present in all systems Air temperature - Conditioned @ 75F constant Water temperature - Cool to cold to the touch. Unknown value, but relatively...
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    Greetings - New to the Forum - A Question - [PICS]

    First off, I'd like to give a shout out to all the people that make this forum possible. If it weren't for people like you all on forums like this there is no doubt that the worldwide cultivation community would suffer immensely. You guys inspired me and I put down the cash for my first grow...