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  1. M

    How tall?

    I've just planted some newly sprouted seeds. I'll be running them on 24 hours of light until it's time to flower them. But how tall should I let them get before I switch over to 12/12 light Accounting for a space between the light and the plant to prevent burning I have about 5 feet of...
  2. M

    Small grow room idea

    So I've just began my first grow. Sorta. Got a grow cabinet built and set to go. Germinating my seeds as you read this. But I find myself in an interesting position. I have to build a small storage area to enclose a water heater and some plumbing so it doesn't freeze this winter. But since I'm...
  3. M

    Power consumption?

    So a thought struck me.... "How much power does my computer use compared to some lights?" I have a custom built computer with a 1000 Watt power supply. I'm curious how that 1000 watts compares to say a 1000 Watt grow light. The reason I wondered is my computer room gets really warm if I close...
  4. M

    First timer 70 watt HPS....

    It's about time I started my grow journal. I just got my hands on some seeds so I've finally finished up most of my cabinet. I'll be doing the last little bits tomorrow and getting my soil and nutes and then it's time to germinate. So for now here is a pic of my current setup. I'm also...
  5. M

    naked women photos?

    I've seen a few people with naked women with bud in their signatures and such. They are user submitted photos to a magazine. I saw the site once. Can someone link it for me. Can't for the life of me remember what it was.
  6. M

    Local shortages...

    It seems like there's been shortage of goods in my area. The one time I go out looking for some. Nobody's holdin. WTF!?! And I tried every contact I had and nobody has got seeds at the moment. So lame. Included my bud who used to grow. Nada. I really don't wanna order seeds online. Seems like...
  7. M

    My Grow Cabinet.

    So last night I got around to building my cabinet. I'd like some feed back on it. I built it too look like an upright closet for coats. It sits right next to my open hanging closet. So it doesn't seem to outta place. Went shopping today and got mylar film for the walls. Got a nice little duct...
  8. M

    grow room supplies...

    So I've gone to about every place I can think of in my area and can't find some of the things I'll need to finish my grow cabinet. Such as mylar and hps, mh lights. Can anyone direct me to somewhere I can get mylar that I may have overlooked. Also are there any HPS or MH lights at home depot...
  9. M

    How big for first grow?

    Hello all. I'm looking to give growing a shot. I've been gardening other things for years so I think I have the experience and equipment already to do fairly well. I'd like to do an indoor setup. I can't devote a whole room to it but I'd like to grow a few plants. I'm thinking I will build...
  10. M

    Growing in a Desert like area...

    I live in a Desert like area in the PNW. Can I get away with growing outdoors here? High summer temperatures of 100+ seem prohibitive. Also we have low average humidity. If it is possible is there anywhere specific I should plant them. In open sunlight? In a slightly shaded area to help...
  11. M

    New guy

    Just signed up here for the crap loads of good info I've found. I used to smoke back in the day but was a government employee for a while so it's been a few years. I'm looking to get some smoke on again as I'm no longer being watched 24/7. Also looking to maybe grow my own for personal use...