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  1. evoman88

    Drying question

    So, I harvested on 4/20. I've had them hung up and drying until today. I checked this morning and the buds are crispy dry. The stem is dry and close to snapping but still bends slightly. I've read this is the best time to begin the cure, but is this absolutely abnormal to have it dried this...
  2. evoman88

    1000 watt HPS closet grow (Pics)

    Thanks for checking out my journal. I'll post the pictures in different posts and what-not. This is my second grow, my first using three 100 watt CFL's for one plant that I found the seed in some bud. Decided to try it and ended up after all the trouble with about a quarter ounce. Looking better...
  3. evoman88

    A Wee Problem...

    So, my plants are about a month and a week old. I have five females, three white widows, one crystal and one ICE. Roughly about three weeks ago I began to notice some yellowing on the leaves and I thought nothing of it. It's progressively begun to get worse. At this point, the lower leaves on...
  4. evoman88

    Second time grower

    So, this is my first post here and my second grow over all. My fist grow involved three 100 watt cfl's (energy savers) and two plants, one turning out male. We harvested maybe a quarter ounce, if even, from the female. :-P My roommate and I figured we'd give it ago and needless to say I love it...