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  1. C

    Doctor help ! Please been 6 months can't find one

    Hello dear RIU users , used to work and reside in Dubai UAE were I was in a Carr accident that I hired my spine and body , now in regards to finding a doctor to help look over my foreign hospital records and confirm them and help me :(? Most need a Canadian specialist ? I already tried using...
  2. C

    Any hydro stores ship to Canada ?! Can't find

    Trying to find a hydro system(aerojet) for upcoming project but I tried so many stores and the good prices ones are only shipping to states and ones to Vancouver Canada charge so much more :( please let me know if anyone know good stores ship to me for cheap
  3. C

    First time with seed! Thanks ! Need advice

    Okay so I want a to hopefully come across a perpetual harvest I'm doing soil for now but future wise how is Bc bud depot sweet tooth 6 week flowering ?!:) in that case cloning that and outing new clones every two weeks into flowering would be good 6 weeks, under a 1000 w hps how is the Bc yield ?
  4. C

    Grow tent fan help first grow

    So need help with connecting fan to tent , my idea is to put carbon filter in tent attached to ducting to inline fan outside tent connected to window ? Or just putting the fan outside tent on floor in room fine ? But then it would stink up my house correct ?
  5. C

    Topping or removing fan leaves ?!

    So I read on a grow guide that removing fan leaves and allowing light to penetrate all areas would help increase yield or more colas ? If so could someone explain which is better and how to do it ? My plants are so bushy and too many leaves
  6. C

    Too Hott ! Please help!

    I have a secret jardini grow tent and its too hot with just my 400 w almost 80 f but I have no fans or exhaust I'm new to this , what do I need attaché to tent for air and heat ?
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    10 lbs,24 plants

    Please help answer my question I am at hydro store i just read online that using an aeroflo 60 system but only planting 24 plants spaced with 2000 W ! got 10 POuNDS from those 24 plants ! Is it possible from 24 plants to gain 10 pounds ?!
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    Aerojet 4tray VS aeroflo 60 ! Hydro DWC compared to aero

    Hl stuck between getting a true aero system aerojet four tray compared to the aeroflo 60 so basically for best and most harvest according to potency and amount ? Which one yields more and faster ? Big difference ? thank you i just want to find a constant way of medicine maybe SOG
  9. C

    Lekumia ! help:(Please new to growing urgent

    Hello:) I'm new to the forum and new to growing actually , I have been diagnosed with Several conditions at the age of 21.. Medication has been part of my life past few years but prescription pills have done my situation good and bad and right now in remission I'm looking for a natural way that...