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    we the people stimulus package
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    good article about conspiracy theory

    It is entirely predictable that conspiracy theories will surface around any major catastrophe or big event in world history. The larger question may be why this is so? While it is true that there have been active conspiracies behind the scenes of world history it is completely illogical to...
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    whats the point of plea bargains if..

    companies do a criminal background check and your arrest record comes up? i applied for a job and they went back 15 years and brought up stuff from when i was in high school. 90% of the charges were dropped from plea bargains and one of them was dismissed completely but yet it shows up in a...
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    how long do seeds last?

    last summer was my first season growing plants so i kinda bought alot of seeds, anyone have an idea how long they will last and is there a way to make them last longer?
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    does anyone use adobe illustrator

    i took a few graphic design classes in school it was a small part of my degree program, i went for computer networking and web design, i mainly took computer networking courses and i took some web design courses like animation and photo editing , im pretty good with photo shop and dreamweaver...
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    hey i ordered some tobacco seeds for next season has anyone ever grown before? im using it for natural rolling papers. any tips would be greatly appreciated
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    anyone ever grown tea?

    i was thinking about growing tea for next year, has anyone done it before what is a good kind for making tea at home? any tips would be helpful, thanks
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    any cormega fans up in here? new album hopefully sooner than later.
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    Mom Ripped Sunflowers Out The Ground.

    yeah so my sunflowers were just about ready to bloom, my mom walks by and yanks them out the ground because she thought they were weeds. they were sittin on the lawn overnight. i picked them up and replanted them in two pots. they look pretty bad right now, there were roots left but u can tell...
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    new here

    Hey everyone. I just signed up today. a friend of mine is a member here. He told me about this it seemed like a cool site so i registered. Just wanted to say whats up to the board. Not a big grower yet. i been experimenting with growing fruits veggies and flowers at the moment,
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    New Here

    hey im on the northeaster seabord delaware area. whens the latest i should start i threw some seeds in the ground the other day